HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks
A lot of candidates are queries about Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. The Reason is obvious. Candidates will get chance to appear in stage 2 testing only after clearing HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks. Haryana staff selection commission will declare HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks on its official website.
Candidates will get official HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks along with the result. But all candidates have not that much patience’s. They want to know minimum qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk Exam. Hence we are providing you expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 in below section.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 – from the factors that influence the cutoff to expert insights on how to improve your chances of scoring above it. We’ll break it down in a way that’s easy to follow, so you can focus on what matters most: securing your position.
HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Candidates must be aware of Haryana HSSC Clerk selection Process. There will a fixed Cutoff marks for HSSC Clerk Exam. Haryana staff selection commission will decide minimum HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. There will be no separate cutoff marks for different shifts.
HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will be same. Similarly HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will also be same. Hence we can say that HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks for All shifts will be same. Board will fix a common cutoff marks for all the shifts.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks (General, SC, BC, PH Category)
You don’t need to search for HSSC Clerk Category wise cutoff marks. We have updated HSSC Clerk General, OBC, SC, ST category cutoff marks in below table. You just have to look into the table for Haryana Clerk Exam Qualifying marks for all categories.
Candidates must keep one thing in mind that it is just expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. Board will disclose official HSSC Clerk Exam qualifying Marks later on with test result. We would also link to tell you that qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk exam will depend on various factors. Now you should check this below given table for detailed information.
HSSC Clerk EBPG Category Final Result
Latest News (…………….): Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC) has been released finally. The candidates were waiting for it eagerly. HSSC Clerk Final Result for EBPG Category is out now. The wait for the final result is over now. You can download it by following the below-given link.
Download Here>>>=== Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC)
HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (HSSC) ने क्लर्क भर्ती का फाइनल रिजल्ट ……….. की शाम की को घोषित कर दिया है। आप निचे दी गयी लिंक से हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते है और उसमे अपना अपना रोल नंबर देख सकते है। कैटगरी अनुसार फाइनल कटऑफ मार्क्स भी निचे टेबल में अपडेट कर दिए गए है।
हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते है की आयोग ……….. को हरियाणा क्लर्क परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर सकता है। इस रिजल्ट में देर होने की वजह है कटऑफ मार्क्स का घट जाना। इसकी वजह से लगभग 2000 कैंडिडेट को डॉक्यूमेंट चेकिंग के लिए और बुलाया गया था और उसके बाद उनके इंटरव्यू लिए गए थे। वैसे ये सिर्फ एक उम्मीद मात्र है लेकिन इस पर विश्वास किया जा सकता है क्योकि ये सुचना हमें हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के गुप्त सूत्रों से मिली है। इसलिए आप अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखे। जैसे ही आयोग की तरफ से कोई नयी सुचना आती है आपको तुरंत इनफार्मेशन डी जाएगी।
आज की ताज़ा जानकारी ये है की हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग मार्च महीने में 15 तारीख से पहले HSSC क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर सकता है। इस भर्ती पर सिर्फ 2 केस बचे है और इनकी सुनवाई तब तक ख़तम हो जाएगी और जहा तक उम्मीद है की ये दोनों ही केस रद्द हो जायगे। अपील करने वाला पक्ष अभी तक ऐसा कोई भी ठोस सबूत पेश नहीं कर पाया जिससे ये आरोप सही साबित हो सके। अब आयोग सिर्फ अंतिम फैसला आने की इन्तजार कर रहा है। इसके जारी होने के अगले ही दिन आयोग हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट अपलोड कर देगा।
सभी कैंडिडेट को इंटरव्यू में शामिल हुए है उन सभी को निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपने कटऑफ मार्क्स देख लेने चाहिए। हम आप सभी को ये बता देना चाहते है की हमने यहाँ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के कटऑफ मार्क्स दिए है। पिछली पूरी हुई भर्तियों को देखते हुए इंटरव्यू की कटऑफ ….20+ रहने की पूरी उम्मीद है। इसलिए हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल कटऑफ उसी हिसाब से अनुमान लगा ले।
Also Read (ये भी जरूर पढ़े) | |
1. | Haryana Conductor Result |
2. | Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks (Official) |
Latest Update : हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते यही की हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन ने क्लर्क भर्ती कटऑफ बदल दी है। जैसे की हरियाणा क्लर्क जनरल कटऑफ 152 से घटा कर 150 कर दी गयी है। बाकि कैटगरी के मार्क्स भी बदली हुए है। आप निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपनी कैटगरी के अनुसार नयी कटऑफ देख सकते है। ये कटऑफ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के लिए है। फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट /कटऑफ लिस्ट इंटरव्यू स्टेज के नंबर जोड़ कर तैयार की जाएगी।
HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks (Official)-Updated Now |
Name of Category | Minimum Cutoff Marks |
General | Check Here |
BC A | Check Here |
SC | Check Here |
BC B | Check Here |
EBPGC | Check Here |
ESM Gen | Check Here |
ESM SC | Check Here |
ESM BCA | Check Here |
ESM BCB | Check Here |
OSP Gen | Check Here |
OSP SC | Check Here |
OSP BCA | Check Here |
OSP BCB | Check Here |
OH | Check Here |
HH | Check Here |
VH | Check Here |
Note:- SBC Category पर कोर्ट की तरफ से रोक लगा दी गयी है इसलिए इसकी अलग से मेरिट लिस्ट आने की संभावना बहुत कम है। लेकिन कोर्ट ने अभी आखरी फैसला नहीं सुनाया है। फाइनल judgement के अनुसार मेरिट पर विचार किया जायगा।
Also Read: Download HSSC Clerk Final Result PDF
Must Read: HSSC Forester Admit Card – Rescheduled
जरुरी सूचना: Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date (Official)
Also Read: HSSC Conductor Result
Download HSSC क्लर्क Official Answer Key PDF
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
- HSSC Clerk Result Declared on ………………
- HSSC क्लर्क रिजल्ट पर हाईकोर्ट ने लगायी रोक, आयोग से माँगा जवाब ।
- 3 महीने और करना होगा रिजल्ट के लिए इन्तजार ।
- हरियाणा क्लर्क पेपर लीक मामले की अगली सुनवाई की तारीख …………..।
- उसके बाद कोर्ट सुनाएगा आखिरी फैसला । पूरी खबर और जानकारी नीचे पढ़े।
HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा प्रक्रिया में थोड़ा बदलवा हो सकता है।
हाल ही में हुई दूसरी भर्ती की इंटरव्यू प्रक्रिया में वेकैंसी से दोगुना की जगह चार गुना कैंडिडेट्स को बुलाया गया। HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा में Total ……… Vacancy है। अगर ऐसा क्लर्क भर्ती प्रक्रिया में भी हुआ तो लगभग 25 हज़ार कैंडिडेट क्लर्क परीक्षा पास घोषित किये जायगे।
हरियाणा HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती Exam में चपरासियों तक से सेटिंग थी…सभी एग्जाम सेन्टर/जिलो में…..सिर्फ भिवानी Exam Center में सेटिंग नहीं हो पायी…और वहाँ आरोपी पकड़ा गया…आपको क्या लगता है सिर्फ 1 कोचिंग अकैडमी और JBT टीचर ने इतनी बड़ी सेटिंग की????पहले जांच में ये बात सामने आयी थी की 20 कैंडिडेट इसमें शामिल है और अभी तक सिर्फ 7 आरोपी मिले है पुलिस को!!!!!!
अरे बाकि आरोपियों को अगली सर्दियों में गिरफ्तार करोगे क्या??? या ये HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती भी बीच में लटकाने का इरादा है???
Latest News on HSSC Clerk Exam Cancel on Facebook Group –Haryana Govt Jobs
HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा हो सकती है रद्द –Read Full News
Download HSSC Clerk Answer Key (Morning / Evening Shift)
How to download HSSC Clerk (Official) Cutoff Marks
- Go to official commission website.
- Here go to latest news/updates section.
- You also get Public Notice section on main page.
- Here you have to search for HSSC Clerk exam qualifying Marks.
- Find and download exact pdf file.
- Hence you will get category wise cutoff marks of …………. HSSC Clerk Exam.
हरियाणा क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा से जुड़ी ताज़ा जानकारी पाने के लिए फेसबुक ग्रुप ज्वाइन करे===>>Haryana Govt Jobs
Important Note: A lot of candidates want to know about Haryana Clerk Joining Date. we have updated this news also. You can check previous update for official news & date on this topic. More update such as Haryana Clerk Salary is also updated. You will be able to check by your self, how much income you will get after joining.
What Are HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks?
Cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates need to achieve in order to qualify for the next stages of the recruitment process. The HSSC releases these marks after the examination, which helps in creating a fair assessment environment. Factors that influence cutoff marks include the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies available, and the overall performance of candidates.
Haryana Clerk Cutoff Marks (…………. Exam)
Number of candidates appeared in written examination, their individual performance, paper’s toughness level etc. will decide final Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025. There will be only one type of cutoff marks i.e. category wise. There will not be any shift/date wise HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks.
You will just have to score more than avg. of all the shifts. You must clear HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks as per your category. Only then you will be declared qualified in written examination. Candidates having any question regarding qualifying marks of Haryana clerk exam can ask in comment box.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks 2025 – HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks-HSSC Clerk General, SC,BC,PH Cutoff Marks– HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Admin sir kya clerk paper cancel hoga ya result ayega please tell me
Sir plz tell ans key kb tak ayegi?
itnaa sannaata kyu h admin sir … Kb tk ayega result… Result k chakkar me byahh bhi late ho RHA hai ????????
Dear give me your contact no…we will personally inform you…तू ब्याह की तैयारी पे ध्यान दे..and congrts in advance
kahi iss chakkar me to nahi ki selection ho jae aur car ki maang rakh du! warna bike se kam chalana padega
Patwari 138
Auction Recorder 120
Clerk 140
Cat. SC koi chance h kya sir kisi me qualifie hone ka
Hssc Auction recorder result coming soon….in few hours…. Be careful and confidant…. ????
Ydv ji kb aayega result?
Auction recorder ka result aa gya…. …..pls check ur result on HSsc.gov.in
and share ur Mark’s in comment boX
khushi ji pls dont play with the emotions of students ………its humble request dont speared rumours …….once information is varified than post here
His bhai ka pgt sub m secreching ki vjh se omr reject hua h plz smprk kre 9729025571
Bhai seat rejcat hogi meri b hui this police m
Mere 144 hai clerk me sc ho kya mera chance hai sir btao na pls orr result kb ayega
Result will be out till 31 jan 2017
cut off
if st- 125
ye patwari ke liye tha, by mistake
Bhai, pahle to cutoff odd number me nahi aa sakta, dusra haryana me obc, st nahi hai, bc-a aur bc-b hai, aur dono ka cutoff alag-2 rahta hai, rahi result aane ki baat to ye bharat bhushan bharti pahle bhi kah chuka hai, mai bhi wait kar raha hu, patwari ka, mere bhi 74% hai, bc-a me.
Sir patwari me re ebpgc m 146marks h mera hoskta h kya plz tell me
what will be cut off staff nurse?
Admin sir , aap ye btao jab clerk ke form fill kiye tab usme 10 th 12h B.A. ke documents upload krne hote hai ,…..maine kie bhi the lekin jo form print hua usme submit nhi dikha rha
Lekin maine apni qualifications ki detail sahi se fill kr rkhi h ….kya documents verification pr bahr nikal sakte h ..aapko kuch pta ho to please btae….kyuki mera exam bhut acha hua h Clerk wala
Mr Nain jo cheeje aap bol rahe hai wo dono ek saath possible nahi hai….form me wahi information print hui jo aapne fill kri hai…Its Software System printout, so no chance of such error.
Sir ..jine documents ki copy hme upload krni hoti h..wo show nhi kr rha …but jo information qualifications ki h ..jse maine apne marks fill kiye hai year wise roll no ,,division ..ye sab form me show kr rha h …..to sir please muje itna btae ki jab documents verification hogi …to kya hssc muje bahar nikal sakti h …..sirf iss reason ke karan ….sir agar itni bdi kami hoti ye….to shayad meta roll no hi na aata …please sir
bhai tuje kudh nahi pata tu bol kya raha hai
Bolo sir please…kya m hssc me jakr documents upload krwa skta hu ab
send your login details on this mail id
[email protected]
My quistion which is un answerable yet… maine BC-A ki jgah OBC ka certificate attach kr diya..to kya mera form cancel ya general mei count hoga…but i hav now BC-A certificate
what will be expected cut off for staff nurse?
Admin ji mere gen.category me 124 marks bnte h to h koi chance interview call ka 9813811199
Admin sir ji kuch to batao auction recorder ki cut off ke bare me……bacche paresaan ho rhe hai….
Bhaai kab take result ayega…. Ab bahot wait kr lia
koi auction recorder ki expected cut off bta skta hai?
Gen 136 ,bc-a and b 128-130 ,sc120
result kb tk aayega?
No update till 15 days, whats going on.
Bhi admin kit h yaar galt baat h ye to kuch to bol
Boliye Janab…JAB HSSC wale hi kuch nahi bol rahe….toh hum kya bole???
Admin Sir… Hssc clerk exam Ka result kab tak aane ke chance’s hai ya….fir cancel hone ke kitne chances hai…. Pls rply sir….@
For result…wait for minimum 3 months and if u ask about exam cancel!!!!!! तो शायद कुछ ज्यादा ही गहराई से जांच चल रही…जो 2 महीने में भी खत्म नही हुई।
अगर कुछ अपडेट आती तो हम आपको सूचित करेगे।
Sir mere se omr ek question m cutting Hui h kya mera omr reject hogs
Bhi admin ajkal kit h koi baat ka javab nahi data h kit buzy rahan lagaa
Mitro aisa h yar….Patwari k paper me roll no digit me toh shi bhr diya upar box me…but ek digit me 1 no wala circle bhrna tha wo by mistaken 0 wala bhra gya….fir class madam te fluid maanga….boli don’t use fir Jo ek wala circle tha wo bhr diya….OMR sheet k sath koi chhed-kaani nhi ki….toh yar sheet check toh ho jayegi ni…no thik bn re hain…tell me
Bhi admin kay ye canfarm h ki papper cancel nahi ho ga or n hi koi or papper ho ga ha bhi batta n ?????????
Agar bhai tune starting ki 3-4 digits me galti ki h tu koi dikkat nhi h kyuki wo sabhi ke roll numbers me common h
Agar bhai last ki digits me galti ki h to muskil ho sakti h
My score is 132 in General category is there any chance of clearing written examination. What can be cut off marks with Interview (with 225 Marks)
Mere 142 hai sc me mera ho skta hai kya
Or result kb tk aye ga sir ji i am waiting
Bhi admi nu bata ki papper to cancel nahi ho gaan pakka h k
Adim sir mere ebpgc cat m 138marks mera kya hoga but mere se omr m secreching yani cutting Hui h kya mera omr reject hoga plz tell me
Bhi galt bhara h to koi dikat nahi yaadi tune sachraching kari h to tara result nahi avega 100% balad ,nak etc ka use kiya h to result nahi ave ga
Bhi aaj ki news add nhi ki aap ne kay baat
Kya news the bhai
Sir mere 132 Marks he bc a. Interview ke kitne chamces he
Bhai tera letter ayega 101%
166 in general category is there any chance ??
Full Chance..No need to worry…get ready for Interview
Admin sir…. Mere 154 Mark’s hai in bc-b category…or Mere interview me kitne Mark’s aaye ki mera selection Ho jaye…. PlZ tell me…
15+ is safe score
Sir i have 160 marks in gen
How much I required to get in interview for final selection??
Plz tell
Sir meri car. BCb h.. And my score is 162 …sir mre liye kya chances h hssc m
Dear Admin,
My Score is 132 Marks in General Category. What can be final merit for General Category students (out of 225 Marks)
Bhi admin din m kam se kam ej baar to dak liye kar is page n bhi bhi gen ki min.cut off with interview kitni ja sakti h
Bhi admin eb papper cancel to nahi ho ga n sidtha result a avega n chyae kitne din m a ave ha bhi batta kim to
Result will come late… April k baad…
R bhi admin kit buzy rave h kuch to post kiya kar
142 gen. कोई चांस है जी
Hssc clerk exam ka result February…… Ke end me aayega…… Only nd only result hi aayega…. Or kuch nhi aaye GA….. ????
Tuje kaise pta ?
Jaldi aana chahiye result
admin please respond got 132 marks in auction recorder BCA category. any chances for getting shortlisted? please respond asked 5 times questions still not get reply of any
so kindly reply
भाई जी….don’t worry Acording expected cutoff… aap cut off ko to definat clear Kar doge…. Bt selection ke liye aap ko interview me aache marks leke aane honge….like as 20 marks…..
Mitro aisa h yar….Patwari k paper me roll no digit me toh shi bhr diya upar box me…but ek digit me 1 no wala circle bhrna tha wo by mistaken 0 wala bhra gya….fir class madam te fluid maanga….boli don’t use fir Jo ek wala circle tha wo bhr diya….OMR sheet k sath koi chhed-kaani nhi ki….toh yar sheet check toh ho jayegi ni…no thik bn re hain…tell me
Haryana clerk…. Exam को लेकर HSsc 2 या 3 दिन में बढा फैसला ले सकता है……
Aap ko kaise pata
Hssc Auction recorder ka result…….. Coming soon……
Test clear se naukari nhi milegi… Interview jiska approach nhu usko bhot km marks lagege…. Isliye jiska jack nhi usko nokari nhi milegi
Tumari ans key me 20% questions ke galat ans hai
Bhai mnn net p check kre h ans one bye one
I request to Mr Narendra Modi that exam should be cancel then it will be fair decesion
Bhi padta to aaj modi ki jurat nahi padti
Haha thk baay
Sir I have 140 marks in sc… Kya test clear hoga
Get Ready for Interview
Dear Admin pls pls tell me ager maan k chle ki list 136 p lgi gen ki to final cut off 136+15=151 no ho gye according to u ki apne bola tha 15 no interview m lene hoge to final cut off 151 jaaye gi fir to out off 225 m se right Admin
Dear Admin sir,
how any student appear in exam.
Admin sir… I got 144 marks in AUCTION recorder (bc-b category) how many chances for selection…rply PLZ….i m wait for ur reply…..
yOU WILL pass written test…
I have 128 marks in bc-a category, will i be called for interview?? Pls reply admin
Good morning,
i belong to sc and appeared in the last clerk exam. which was held 20 Nov. and got 140 marks out of 200 according a answer key of an Institute. but in that answer key there are some answers are wrong in addition to that i got 138. So let me know. Can i be shortlisted for interview.Please reply
Sir result kb tK aayga or interview ke liye kya tyaari kre m
Bhai….interview to 2018 me hovega….. ib te itni tension na leve…..
Admin sir ortho handicapied me minimum kitne cut off hogi 63 vacancy hai mere Bcb. Se 100 marks hai g please replay
Admin, M aapko pahle bhi bta chuka hun aapka comment navigation system sahi nhi h. Aur abhi tak aapne isko sahi nhi kiya h. Agar aapko sahi nhi karna aata h to m aapko HTML ki coding bta deta hun. Isme konsi hard bat h sirf ek NEXT ka button hi to jodna h. Har comment page ke upar NEXT ka button Unordered List tag ke andar joddo.
Isme aage ke comments dekhne me bahut jyada problem hoti h.
Ya to aapko ye karna nhi aata h ya phir aap chahte h aapki jyada earning ho. kyunki jisko 2 number page ke comment padhne honge usko pahle previous button click kar karke 2 number page par jana hoga. Jisse aapki Page/View increase ho jayegi aur viewers jyada ads dekhenge ya click karne ki possiblity jyada hogi.
Aur agar koi apna comments kisi ke sath share karna chahe ya phir is website ki news share karna chahe to wo bhi nhi kar sakta, kyunki aapne copy and paste disable kar rkha h. Bhai isse aapko fayda nhi nuksan hi h. Viewers ko isse kitni problem hoti h shayad aapko nhi pta.
Aur koi aapki website ke source code dekhna chahe to wo to waise bhi (view-source) ke through dekh sakta h.
Aur na hi aap har kisi ke comment ka reply nhi karte ho. Agar customer jyada hi ho rhe h to kisi ko hire karlo, aap aise thode na kahoge ki “Admin bhi aadmi hi h”. Koi bhi user aapse is type ka reply expect nhi karta.
Aise to google, micosoft aur kai company apne users ko aise reply karne lag gai hoti to wo aaj is position par nhi hoti.
Agar Admin bane hi ho to apni sabhi responsiblity ko sahi se puri karo aur mainly USER EXPERIENCE par focus karo.
Dear…Thanks for the suggestion & Sorry
Navigation k regarding Tumhara gussa jayaz hai…
but i hope u must have read all 1300+ comments
There are people telling their marks and asking cutoff in comment…
even when we have given expected cutoff in table…
so do you expect us to hire someone to reply for all such comment…???
and moreover
We will try to solve the comment navigation issue as early as possible…
Sir ye bat shi h ki kai candidates ek hi question bar bar puchte h jiska answer pahle hi diya ja chuka h. Iska ek hi solution hai aap unke comments approve hi na kare, kyunki 1395 comments me se 70 % comment sirf cutoff marks ke h. In repetative unuseful comments ki wajah se useful information ko find karne me bhi pareshani aati h.
Aur aapne jo new comment system banaya h, jisme sabhi comments ek hi page par show ho rhe hain wo pahle wale se kafi acha h. is comment box me copy aur paste bhi kar sakte h jo pahle possible nhi tha.
Is new comment system se site ki bounce rate bhi kam hogi.
And Admin correct one more thing, jab user comment post karta h to comment post time sahi nhi show karta hai, shayad aapne wordpress setting me time zone wrong choose kar rkha h.
इसका मतलब ये मान लू नई कमेंट सिस्टम से You are satisfied?
Yes i am satisfied, and site bounce rate will also become lower. Check after some days. In starting some user may get problem in loading time of website. But after cookies will be set, there will be no problem for them.
Correct your timing setting also.
ar gernal t 164 bn re hai koi chance h k aur result ka koi pta h k kb avga
ar gernal t 164 bn re hai koi chance h k
clerk result???
174 marks in ebpg m ho jayega admin j or polic ks rslt kb tk ayega
bhai abhi official answer key nahi aae hai agar tune kise site se dekh ke answers match kie he to me bata du kise bhi site pe 100% accurate answer key nahi hai! official answer key ke bad tum 160 tak aa jaoge! still very good score
174 marks h written m ebpg categories h koi chance
Sir mara 150 marks ha bc-b ma kya mari interview call aa sakti ha
Bhi admin gen ki with interview kitni ja sakti h cut of plz tell me bhi kai baar puch liea h aap se
Aproxx 140-150
i score 148 marks in BCA category…….if i called for interview how much marks should i score for final selection?
Admin please reply ….
sir kya y paper dobara hongay
Patwari ka result ab tak kyo nhi aaya
Admis sir mera bce me 132 ban rai hai interview kai koi chance hai
Please tell
Pls Admin tell me i got in 142 marks in clerk exam in gen cet
And Patwari k exam m 134 marks
And Action recorder m 132 marks kitne chance h sir interview k
you will clear Clerk Written for Sure…and 132 is very good score for SA…wait for official cutoff & result
Deae Admin Pls Tell me Final cut off with interview out off 225 m se kitni hogi pls tell me Admin
Dear Admin pls pls pls tell me Final cut off with interivew out off 225 kitni jaa sekti h
Pls Replay Admin
Above given written cutoff Marks + 15 marks (Interview)….
it be expected qualifying marks for your category
Dear Admin pls tell me According to u apne bola tha ki interview m ager 15 no aa jaate h to last cut off 136 gyi maan liye jaaye to or 15 no interview m le leta last person jiske no 136 h in gen cat to 136+15=151 no gye uske to uska selection ho jaaye ga right admin
Yes this is expected minimum passing marks for selection…
Admin sir… Gram sachive OR patwari ka exam kab take hone ke chance’s hai… Rply plZ
Feb & March Month me possibility hai
gram sachiv or ptwari ka exam kya cancel ho gya hai official news to koi nahi aayi
ab bhul jao agle saal tak…
Bhi tara ya coment system b sahi kaam nahi kar raha h is n b dakyie
We will correct it soon…sorry for inconvenience
Admin Sir
Mere 124 no ban rahe hai cat SC hai. Sir ji kai koi chance hai
Sir. Ji result kab tak aane ki umid hai..
You will pass written exam for sure
admin sir,according to you kab tak process complete hogi,and jobs milengi?
Process toh govt ki niyat par hai…kab tak complete kregi
Till Date they even dont know…kitne log involved hai isme….arrest krna toh dur ki baat hai…
Result 2-3 mahine se phle koi chance nahi
137 par lgegi general merit list…Result may be out in last of this month.
Jay paki Khabarovsk hai ya idea hai
sc cat. me 126 marks any idea for inerview
126 is safe score for SC category
Mere ebpgc cat. M140marks but mere se ek mistake hogi mere se ek question m cut hogi kya mera result aaeye ga plz tell me
एक Question कटिंग होने से आपका रिजल्ट रोक नहीं जायगा
Bhi admin plz tell me final list kitni jaa gi with interview gen ki
Around 140-150
Sunne me aaya hai ki 60000 topper ko bulla kar doosro paper lenge
अभी तक तो सरकार और पुलिस जांच भी पूरी नहीं कर पायी है…
पेपर और रिजल्ट पर फैसला तो बाद की बात है।
जैसे ही नयी अपडेट आती है…हम यहाँ पोस्ट करेगे।
Sir 5 guna candidates pass karke unka dobara exam karwa lo jinhone paper liya hai wo is exam mai rahe jayge
Admin sir…. In sabhi situations ko dakh kar… Aap ko kya lagta hai exam cancel hoga ya iska result aaye ga…. reply plz…
Result aayga…because 1 mahine me jaanch puri nhi hui…toh aage kitni jaanch hogi sabko peta hai
I got 160 marks in hssc exam but I committed a mistake when I was filing the roll no. at my OMR sheet , I colored ‘0’ instead of ‘1’ . Now sir what can i do? Please reply sir I need a advice .
just wait & watch…for HSSC Clerk Result
if board does not declare your result, then contact board with all original proofs like Admit Card, Exam Form etc
Bhi admin repaly to kiya kar kam se kam
Admin bhi aadmi hai mere dost…
Pls Admin m bahut baar puch chuka hu aap Tell me Admin
I got in clerk exam 142 marks in gen cet
parwari exam 134 marks
Action recorder 132 marks
kitne chance h Admin interview k
pls tell me
abhiseek bhai tera paper 100% chek hoga kyon ki mere sath police wale paper me aisa hi hua tha.but paper chek hua kyon ki wo paper bar code ke base pr chek krte h.all the best tension mat le
Kitne par bca ki list jayegi
140 ke around…. Yadi is exam ka result aata hai to….. Kyonki 8 ya 10 number to paper leak se Extend…ho jayege…
Pehle results to aane to phir advise se dena @riya
Sir i have got 142 marks general category have any chance for interview
I got 142 marks general category have any chance
You will qualify written exam…
What is final merit we can guess according to me 170 and above for gen
above 180
thank god tune 200 above nahi bola!
Paradox bhai ab to ssc cgl tier1 and tier 2 ki bhi kuch shifts leak hui thi.centre and state dono same
In reply to Mix and other “Mahanubhavs” like him.
I will address you here by the name “Mix”. (i wish you could use your mind using a sensible nick here)
Before giving you peace of mind, let me clear something. I’m in no way related to admin, yet i feel brotherly bond with the guy. I’ll try to give my views unbiasedly.
1. First – you said this site is spreading rumours. Bhai mere pehle “Rumours” and “Facts” me difference karna sikh. Jo bhi snapshots site par lage h , admin ne photoshop karke to daale nhi, and agar wo snapshots laga raha h to , wo sab “facts” kahlate h na ki “Rumours”. Isliye jab bhi Admin update dalta h, wo kisi na kisi news ki snapshot ke sath dalta h. So those things are worth noticing.
2. Aap bhai saheb bol rahe ho ke, wo decision le rha h without proof. Mere bhai wo HSSC ka chairman h kya jo decision le rha h? uske decision lene ya na lene se kya fark padega pehle ye bata? Jisko decision lena chahiye, wo govt to soyi padi h, bhagwan jaane kya political ghapla ho rha h ab ki bar but jo bhi ho rha h tum sab Budhhijiviyo ko samjh me to aane se raha.
3. Even if, agar admin kahta h ke exam cancel hona chahiye, then mai bhi kahta hu ha hona chahiye. What the fuck do you think? nearly month hone ko h, SIT ne bhi apni report jama karwa di hogi but WTF kitne log pakde gye? koi pata nhi, koi newspaper bol rha h 20 to koi bol rha h 7. Bhai paper leak hua h to aisa nhi ho sakta ke itna bada game ho jaye and 10-12 log kar dale. Badi murgiyo ka to naam tak nhi h jinka hath h is game me. Jitne hi chote mote mohre the wo sab pakde gaye hoge, and wo bhi gaurantee nhi. Agar koi apna point of view rakhta h to bhai ye bata teri konsi cyber police rokegi? konse school me aap ye cyber law padha h bhai? “cyber law” word suna h to iska matlab ye nhi ke kisi bhi site par jakar admin ko harrass karoge ke “i’ll complaint in cyber law”. Freedom of speech, article no 19 (1)A naam ki chiz suni h kabhi? Hum sab ko haq h ke hum apne opinion sabke samne rakh sakte h. and agar admin ne rakh diya to konsi musibat aa gyi. And jaha tak mujhe dikh rha h admin ne wahi sab baate rakhi h, un sab ko ek alag post me dala h “why should exam be cancled” me. and wo bhi with reasons.
Man to kar rha h ek achi khasi, cyber law education abhi ke abhi yahi but thoda time ki problem h and thoda comment space ki. Varna kahta h to bhai ek ebook likh kar tujhe mail kar deta hu.
and lastly, my own opinion. Pehle mai chahta tha ke exam cancel na ho, and iske reasons maine apni pichli comments me bhi daale the ke bohot se logo ko problem ho jayegi,financial, emotional and jo bhi reasons the. But now i think, koi ni 2 months ki or revision sahi but exam cancel hona chahiye, Taki ye hssc department ko bhi pata chale ke laparvahi kitni buri baat h and dobara kharcha uthana pade and sath me un logo ka paisa doobe jo paper leak/ cheat me sath the jo abhi pakde na gaye ho. Saala 500 1000 ke notes ke liye jab 50 din takleef sah li, to ye dobara exam ke liye 50 din ki or sah lenge but, ab vishwas nhi rha system par, bohot wait ho chuka.
and Admin, keep it up bro, and ignore all these ignorant people
Cyber law* = cyber police
Ek do phrases or gadbad ho gye hoge jaldbazi me. Common sense laga k padh lena dosto. SSC ki tyari kr lo ye state hssc walo ka kya kahna,ab to centre par hi ummid h. Acha khase kiye paper ki band baj gyi.
Paradox bhai ab to yeh bhi sunne me aa raha hai ki ssc cgl tier1 and tier 2 ki bhi kuch shifts leak hui hain .centre or state dono same ho chuke hain.
लगता है हमारे Cyber Cell वाले भाई साहब “सावधान इंडिया” जैसे TV शो कुछ ज्यादा ही देखते है।
इसलिए कुछ ज्यादा ही सावधान हो गए है…
and Paradox …you Deserve a Brother वाला Hug …
you also keep it up man
I have 126 marks in bc-a category, what are my chances pls tell admin
Sabhi bhai logo se request h ki hssc ko mail kare aur call karke process fast krne ko kha jaye..ho sake to education minister ko b mail n call kiya jaye…already es vacancy ko 1 years ho chuka h student etna kaise wait kr skta h ek exam k rsult ke liye..agr SIT ki investigation puri ho chuki h to fir etna time kyu lgaya ja rha h..result ke bad interview me b bhut time lgega…mje kuch jyda idea nhi h hssc ka kyuki me other state se hu…and admir sir m apke point se agree hu jo upr kch point pe discs hua hai..apke updates use full hote hai so keep updating..we also wants expected result dates…when u got info regardng to result plz update it….if possible then plz try to contact hssc for information about this exam for us
Ab to imandari SE bharati hoga ye soch Na hi bevcoofi hai ye to be imaan hai bjp wale bjp ke school SE paper leak hua ab use bachane ke liye sab ho raha hai
Sir Result kab tak aayega
Admin stop posting the rumour about the exam. If you have any proof than you should approch police and court otherwise i ll complain to cyber cell of your website. This is my last warning. You have no right to make any type decision without any proof. The board is doing is job.
Dear…What kind of rumours you are talking about????
I just gave my opinion… You first read website policy page…..then talk about cyber cell…and warning.
I just posted latest newspaper snapshot… So ..first go to those newspaper office…. Ask them to say sorry to you….for printing all these news
Then come to me….I will give you my full details…. Then File FIR on my name
Listen read the newspaper again. When you read the news abt canceling of exam. Only your page posting the shit. Even sit gave the report than wht is ur prblm ?
If you have any problem…then why the hell you are visiting my website???
Good job sir
Kya upper aapne nhi patha all news is cutting of newspaper
And all true
So admin is true
And you are wrong
Paper should be cancelled
Hssc Cut off for interview (12000 candidates)
Gen 130 out of 200
BcA 120
BcB 124
SC 116
For job (6000 candidates)
Gen 150 out of 225
BcA 138
BcB 142
Sc 134
Admin Sir
Result kb tak aa skta h iska
Plz tell ??
March se phle NO chance
Sir mere 106 marks bante h mai ex serviceman bcb se hu, any chance?
132 marks belongs to other states there any chances. For interview admin jiii reply please
Bhi admin plz tell me the final cutt of with interview gen catgeri how much going according u
Bhi dil par lega so sorry aap ne acha kaam kiya thank again for that type of comppleted communication b/w all student
Mere 194 h Kya m topper bn skta hu
You will be looser
Sir I have 156 markes im BcA category my selection will sure
Mere no. 154 in bc-b category koi chances hai kya
R admin bhi tu to naraj h k baat papper cancel nahi hoya tab koi baat nahi bhi or tyari kar le
छोटे भाई…Admin ने ये पेपर कई साल पहले पास करके छोड़ दिए है।
इतनी नोकरी की इच्छा होती है इस टाइम किताब लेके बैठा होता…यहाँ तेरा reply नही कर रहा होता।
Jab pakde hue logo ne mana he ki humne ssre paper leak krwaye the to eska MATLAB sit nahi maan rahi ki paper leak hue. To eska MATLAB unhone jaan buj ker apna feature khrab kar liya wa re mere kanoon or kanoon banane wale. Commette he bhi bhati ganga me haath dho liye lagta to aise hi ha.
Aap paper cancel krwane ke piche kyu pde hai?
Agr cancel hua to maalum hai aapko 2 saal lg jayege HSSC ko fir se paper conduct krne me
Paper cancel nahi hona chiye , but cheater pakde jaane chiye.
Are bhaiyo paper cansel nhi hoga.jiske bhi km marks hai wo taiyari kr lo. Gramsachiv or patwari ki. nhi to fir wait kroge paper cansel ka
Paper cancil hoga Pakka Bhaimind h ki nahi nakal Kari h 20ne Kya sabutt h ki 20hi the Jo candidate paper me jinke naam h Bhai paper bhar ka mtlb
Pakka ho ga Bhai cancil
Is se pehle Hudda sare prod lagata tha tab kuch Kiya tune
when will result be declared?
Mere ebpgc cat. M 140marks h kya mera hoskta h
Sabse pehle un cheater ko pakdna chahiye.
Good news for all paper not cancel
Hopefully a good news
Sir 160 gen h ,, ho jayega na ?
Sir mere 156 no. H Mera selection ho jaye ga kya
Bhi admin plz tell me the final cutt of with interview gen catgeri how much going according u
Sir 148 number bane hai ..general category… Koi chance hai kya? Aur result kb tk ayega sir
sir result kb tk aayega
Sir I got 148 marks from general category any chance for interview
Aj ka dainik jagram news paper Dekh lo according to hssc exam leak nahi he so it won’t cancel
Mene bhi news dakhi hai….. Is se to sayad ye lag rha hai….. Paper ka result aaye ga or aage ki processing bhi chalti rhegi…. Is condition me 50 ya 60 student ka hi galat way me selection ho sakta hai…. Baki padne wale student’s ko hi job melegi ….ye achi news hai…. Baki frnds 19-20 to chalta hai
Breaking news! Paper cancel nahi honge it’s official sit report aane wali he but information Ye hai ki Ye sirf cheating ka case he Jin candidates ne deal ki the otherwise CCTV footage me sit kl Koi proof nahi Mila so guys relax cut offs would be same as admin mentioned above! So best of luck guys hope the deserving candidates get interview call and rest should get ready for upcoming exams in haryana!
Bhai g jo candidate pakde gye hai unka kya hoga…. Is se to cut off me 5 ya 10 marks ka differnce aaye GA…. Wt do u think about this…..
Yeah cutoffs will be around 140 maximum for interview ki preparation karna start kar do! Best of luck
Sir sit NE kuchh bataya
Sit report will be same
Any update Sir ?
No Dear…we will inform you whenever any update is there
sir main other state se hu mera 76 questions right h. kya koi chance banta h
sir mare 62 question thik h . mai sc student hu. kya mera selection ho jayaga . please reply
paper kb tha
Sir mere 110 marks bnte h or 5 question k answer nhi pta. M bc-a category s hu. Plzz tell sir koi chance h. Plzz reply me sir. Sunita
No chance
sir mera 122 marks ka thik h . mai sc student hu. kya mera selection ho jayaga.
Papper must pass
Sir ans key kb tak aayegi clerk ki
Plz tell