HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks
A lot of candidates are queries about Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. The Reason is obvious. Candidates will get chance to appear in stage 2 testing only after clearing HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks. Haryana staff selection commission will declare HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks on its official website.
Candidates will get official HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks along with the result. But all candidates have not that much patience’s. They want to know minimum qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk Exam. Hence we are providing you expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 in below section.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 – from the factors that influence the cutoff to expert insights on how to improve your chances of scoring above it. We’ll break it down in a way that’s easy to follow, so you can focus on what matters most: securing your position.
HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Candidates must be aware of Haryana HSSC Clerk selection Process. There will a fixed Cutoff marks for HSSC Clerk Exam. Haryana staff selection commission will decide minimum HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. There will be no separate cutoff marks for different shifts.
HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will be same. Similarly HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will also be same. Hence we can say that HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks for All shifts will be same. Board will fix a common cutoff marks for all the shifts.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks (General, SC, BC, PH Category)
You don’t need to search for HSSC Clerk Category wise cutoff marks. We have updated HSSC Clerk General, OBC, SC, ST category cutoff marks in below table. You just have to look into the table for Haryana Clerk Exam Qualifying marks for all categories.
Candidates must keep one thing in mind that it is just expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. Board will disclose official HSSC Clerk Exam qualifying Marks later on with test result. We would also link to tell you that qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk exam will depend on various factors. Now you should check this below given table for detailed information.
HSSC Clerk EBPG Category Final Result
Latest News (…………….): Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC) has been released finally. The candidates were waiting for it eagerly. HSSC Clerk Final Result for EBPG Category is out now. The wait for the final result is over now. You can download it by following the below-given link.
Download Here>>>=== Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC)
HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (HSSC) ने क्लर्क भर्ती का फाइनल रिजल्ट ……….. की शाम की को घोषित कर दिया है। आप निचे दी गयी लिंक से हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते है और उसमे अपना अपना रोल नंबर देख सकते है। कैटगरी अनुसार फाइनल कटऑफ मार्क्स भी निचे टेबल में अपडेट कर दिए गए है।
हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते है की आयोग ……….. को हरियाणा क्लर्क परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर सकता है। इस रिजल्ट में देर होने की वजह है कटऑफ मार्क्स का घट जाना। इसकी वजह से लगभग 2000 कैंडिडेट को डॉक्यूमेंट चेकिंग के लिए और बुलाया गया था और उसके बाद उनके इंटरव्यू लिए गए थे। वैसे ये सिर्फ एक उम्मीद मात्र है लेकिन इस पर विश्वास किया जा सकता है क्योकि ये सुचना हमें हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के गुप्त सूत्रों से मिली है। इसलिए आप अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखे। जैसे ही आयोग की तरफ से कोई नयी सुचना आती है आपको तुरंत इनफार्मेशन डी जाएगी।
आज की ताज़ा जानकारी ये है की हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग मार्च महीने में 15 तारीख से पहले HSSC क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर सकता है। इस भर्ती पर सिर्फ 2 केस बचे है और इनकी सुनवाई तब तक ख़तम हो जाएगी और जहा तक उम्मीद है की ये दोनों ही केस रद्द हो जायगे। अपील करने वाला पक्ष अभी तक ऐसा कोई भी ठोस सबूत पेश नहीं कर पाया जिससे ये आरोप सही साबित हो सके। अब आयोग सिर्फ अंतिम फैसला आने की इन्तजार कर रहा है। इसके जारी होने के अगले ही दिन आयोग हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट अपलोड कर देगा।
सभी कैंडिडेट को इंटरव्यू में शामिल हुए है उन सभी को निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपने कटऑफ मार्क्स देख लेने चाहिए। हम आप सभी को ये बता देना चाहते है की हमने यहाँ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के कटऑफ मार्क्स दिए है। पिछली पूरी हुई भर्तियों को देखते हुए इंटरव्यू की कटऑफ ….20+ रहने की पूरी उम्मीद है। इसलिए हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल कटऑफ उसी हिसाब से अनुमान लगा ले।
Also Read (ये भी जरूर पढ़े) | |
1. | Haryana Conductor Result |
2. | Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks (Official) |
Latest Update : हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते यही की हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन ने क्लर्क भर्ती कटऑफ बदल दी है। जैसे की हरियाणा क्लर्क जनरल कटऑफ 152 से घटा कर 150 कर दी गयी है। बाकि कैटगरी के मार्क्स भी बदली हुए है। आप निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपनी कैटगरी के अनुसार नयी कटऑफ देख सकते है। ये कटऑफ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के लिए है। फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट /कटऑफ लिस्ट इंटरव्यू स्टेज के नंबर जोड़ कर तैयार की जाएगी।
HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks (Official)-Updated Now |
Name of Category | Minimum Cutoff Marks |
General | Check Here |
BC A | Check Here |
SC | Check Here |
BC B | Check Here |
EBPGC | Check Here |
ESM Gen | Check Here |
ESM SC | Check Here |
ESM BCA | Check Here |
ESM BCB | Check Here |
OSP Gen | Check Here |
OSP SC | Check Here |
OSP BCA | Check Here |
OSP BCB | Check Here |
OH | Check Here |
HH | Check Here |
VH | Check Here |
Note:- SBC Category पर कोर्ट की तरफ से रोक लगा दी गयी है इसलिए इसकी अलग से मेरिट लिस्ट आने की संभावना बहुत कम है। लेकिन कोर्ट ने अभी आखरी फैसला नहीं सुनाया है। फाइनल judgement के अनुसार मेरिट पर विचार किया जायगा।
Also Read: Download HSSC Clerk Final Result PDF
Must Read: HSSC Forester Admit Card – Rescheduled
जरुरी सूचना: Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date (Official)
Also Read: HSSC Conductor Result
Download HSSC क्लर्क Official Answer Key PDF
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
- HSSC Clerk Result Declared on ………………
- HSSC क्लर्क रिजल्ट पर हाईकोर्ट ने लगायी रोक, आयोग से माँगा जवाब ।
- 3 महीने और करना होगा रिजल्ट के लिए इन्तजार ।
- हरियाणा क्लर्क पेपर लीक मामले की अगली सुनवाई की तारीख …………..।
- उसके बाद कोर्ट सुनाएगा आखिरी फैसला । पूरी खबर और जानकारी नीचे पढ़े।
HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा प्रक्रिया में थोड़ा बदलवा हो सकता है।
हाल ही में हुई दूसरी भर्ती की इंटरव्यू प्रक्रिया में वेकैंसी से दोगुना की जगह चार गुना कैंडिडेट्स को बुलाया गया। HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा में Total ……… Vacancy है। अगर ऐसा क्लर्क भर्ती प्रक्रिया में भी हुआ तो लगभग 25 हज़ार कैंडिडेट क्लर्क परीक्षा पास घोषित किये जायगे।
हरियाणा HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती Exam में चपरासियों तक से सेटिंग थी…सभी एग्जाम सेन्टर/जिलो में…..सिर्फ भिवानी Exam Center में सेटिंग नहीं हो पायी…और वहाँ आरोपी पकड़ा गया…आपको क्या लगता है सिर्फ 1 कोचिंग अकैडमी और JBT टीचर ने इतनी बड़ी सेटिंग की????पहले जांच में ये बात सामने आयी थी की 20 कैंडिडेट इसमें शामिल है और अभी तक सिर्फ 7 आरोपी मिले है पुलिस को!!!!!!
अरे बाकि आरोपियों को अगली सर्दियों में गिरफ्तार करोगे क्या??? या ये HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती भी बीच में लटकाने का इरादा है???
Latest News on HSSC Clerk Exam Cancel on Facebook Group –Haryana Govt Jobs
HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा हो सकती है रद्द –Read Full News
Download HSSC Clerk Answer Key (Morning / Evening Shift)
How to download HSSC Clerk (Official) Cutoff Marks
- Go to official commission website.
- Here go to latest news/updates section.
- You also get Public Notice section on main page.
- Here you have to search for HSSC Clerk exam qualifying Marks.
- Find and download exact pdf file.
- Hence you will get category wise cutoff marks of …………. HSSC Clerk Exam.
हरियाणा क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा से जुड़ी ताज़ा जानकारी पाने के लिए फेसबुक ग्रुप ज्वाइन करे===>>Haryana Govt Jobs
Important Note: A lot of candidates want to know about Haryana Clerk Joining Date. we have updated this news also. You can check previous update for official news & date on this topic. More update such as Haryana Clerk Salary is also updated. You will be able to check by your self, how much income you will get after joining.
What Are HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks?
Cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates need to achieve in order to qualify for the next stages of the recruitment process. The HSSC releases these marks after the examination, which helps in creating a fair assessment environment. Factors that influence cutoff marks include the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies available, and the overall performance of candidates.
Haryana Clerk Cutoff Marks (…………. Exam)
Number of candidates appeared in written examination, their individual performance, paper’s toughness level etc. will decide final Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025. There will be only one type of cutoff marks i.e. category wise. There will not be any shift/date wise HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks.
You will just have to score more than avg. of all the shifts. You must clear HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks as per your category. Only then you will be declared qualified in written examination. Candidates having any question regarding qualifying marks of Haryana clerk exam can ask in comment box.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks 2025 – HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks-HSSC Clerk General, SC,BC,PH Cutoff Marks– HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Are Yaar Tum pagal to nahi ho paper leak ho chuka h Fir bi mera ye Tum pagal ho leya 100no jis ke h unka paper dubara hoga pakka
buddy i can bet exam cancel nahi hooga
Mere ebpgc me 138 marks kya mera ho skta h
Ak paper or kr de. 100 marks ka 50 likhne k or 50 ka gk res math eng. Fir dekh tmasa
Ha bhi ye bhi sahi h lakin top 20000 balkoo ka result nikal de fir exam lana chyaie sabi ka nahi
I’m sure be able to score even 30 marks in tier 2
rip english
तमाशा…तो पढने वाले बालक देखेगें…. नकलची तो फिर भी कोई न कोई solution निकाल ही लेवगें… यो इडियां स भाई….
Admin sir koi update h kya
This will be my last comment on this site. Time to disappear and work according to study plan. Admin thumbs up, you are a great guy.
I got 128 marks as per unofficial answer key, category bc-a , how much chances
Maybe if u lucky
sir,i have got 138 marks gen cat., is there any chances for interview
Hehe i think, i should start sending articles to newspapaers, kuch jyada hi lambe khinch jate h 😛
Happy new year to all 🙂
Hello again!
Get ready for one more long comment.
In reply to Mitesh and all other friends who shares same doubt.
Okay, Your question was like something this- “Ki un candidates ka kya hoga jo select ho jayenge agar exam bina cancel kiye?”
See ye dirty politics game h. ye politicians ek shark ki tarah h jo moka mile to ek sath hazaro choti machliyo ko gatak jati h. Inko koi parvah nhi ke candidates ki had tak mental torture and depression ke bad select hote h and fir bhi unko dudh me padi makkhi ke jaise nikal fenka jata h just because unka selection unki govt me nhi purani govt ne kiya tha. bohot sare case ho chuke h ke kabhi JBT teachers ke sath hua h to kabhi B.eD ke sath to kabhi police ki bharti ke ghotale. But in sab ki cancellation ki vajah thi non-transparency.
New govt jaise hi power me aati h wo sara credit khud lene ki karti h and purani govt ne jo kaam kiye h unka satyanash karne pe tul jati h. Pehle jo bhi vacancy hoti thi unka kisi ko pata hi nhi chalta tha ke koi vacancy h bhi ke nhi. Nepotism ( bhai-bhatizawaad) and ye farmaishi log lag jate the.
Because koi confirm process nhi hota tha. Department ke under koi vacancy hui bhi to us department ke minister ya local MLA moka dekhte hi apne logo ko chipkwa dete the. Bhai unko ye dikha kar vote bhi to lene the na ke unhone kitno ko lagwaya (isse unko koi fark nhi padta ke kisi or ke pet pe laat lagi ho).
Ab kuch saal se kuch na kuch transparent system add hota ja rha h exam me. Ab ki bar CCTV cameras the exam me ,biometric registration (pehle jo bhartiya hoti thi, unme kisi ka paper koi or deta tha), and jammers, Bohot kuch kiya tha HSSC ne ye sochkar ke chalo ab ki bar leak nhi hoga. But ye sara dosh in coaching walo ka h. Apni dukan chalane ke liye ye kisi bhi had tak gujar sakte h. Ye kisi na kisi aise bande ko dhundh hi lete h jo inka kaam banwa sake and fir ye murge dhundte h jo inse key kharide. Inme aadhe se jada dosh hum logo ka h jo hard work ke bajaye cheating me vishwas karte h and agar koi key bechta bhi h to log paisa hota h to kharid lete h and nhi hota to fir complaint karte h. Lakin iske bich me hard working student piss jate h jo mehnat karke aate h and pata chala to exam leak pakda gya and cancel.
Agar SIT apni report me jitne jada se jada doshiyo ko agar pakad leti h and faisla karti h ke chalo exam cancel na kare and aage interview se bad candidates ko nikal sake, to shayad ye jada acha rahega, bajaye fir se bohot jada paise barbad karke same intezam kare and fir bhi koi leak ho jaye and tab koi pakda bhi na jaye and pakda jaye to fir HSSC ki thu thu ho jaye.
I hope ke sare ke sare pakde jaye and unko aisi saja mile ke zindgi bhar dusre bhi unko dekh kar himmat na kare aisa karne ki.
But agar process pura ho jata h and bhartiya complete ho jati h to kuch log jo select nhi hoge to wo court me jayenge yahi dar h na aap logo ko?
ha bilkul jayenge, kuch log kenkde ke jaise hote h, jo na khud khate h na kisi ko khane dena chahte h. And wo log jayenge jinka cut off me kahi bhi naam nhi hoga and wo apni mehnat ki kami ko chupa kar sara dosh HSSC pe dal denge ke leak hua to cutt off uper gyi. Arey bhai jab paper leak hone ke bad bhi log pakde bhi gaye and kuch mehnati log lag bhi gyi to ye socho na ke unhone kitne lambe time se mehnat ki hogi jo unka cut off par kar sake. But ab ki bar aisa nhi hoga. Dekho paper leak na bhi hota to bhi bohot sare log hote h jo court me ghus jate h koi na koi nuksh nikal kar, unka kuch nhi ho sakta. But kya evidence dege ke Kin logo ke paper leak ke vajah se nhi ho paya? Arey bhai SIT bithayi hui h, police apna kaam kar rhi h department apna kar raha and jitna ho saka un logo ne pakad liya, agar aapko lagta h ke fir bhi koi rah gya to aap uska saboot dijiye police ko abhi bajaye bad me court me bhagne ke, and agar ab nhi de sakte to bad me court me de dijiye but koi ye chori chupe thode na hui h bhartiya? open competition hua h, biometric registration hua h, agar koi dusri jagah gya bhi tha to jaanch me fas jayega bad me. But kis baat ko lekar aap sari bhartiyo pr stay lagwa denge? just ke aapka nhi hua and paper leak hua? ye to HSSC h yaha tak ke central SSC tak ke paper leak hote h but maine kabi nhi suna ke unko bad me sabko nikal diya ho jo select huye the , just becoz paper leak tha.
Agar aapke pass koi direct evidence h to aap us specific person ki joining pe stay lagwa sakte ho and uski jaanch karwa sakte ho, but even agar new govt aati h and wo faisla karti h ke chalo, hum new vacancy denge and purano ko nikal denge to ab ki bar nhi hone wala. ab ki bar wo hazaro log case kar denge jinka selection hua tha and jinke pass full evidence hoga, CCTV se lekar BIOmetric tak ka, wo bhi har stage ka. Just bcoz ek new govt aisa chahti h, aisa nhi ho sakta. Aap single ya kuch gine chune logo ko suspend kar sakte ho but itne full transparent system pe sawal nhi utha sakte, jabki HSSC ka koi apna memeber tak ka naam nhi aaya.
Jo bhi ho, cancel ho ya dobara ho, but jo select honge, plz stay calm, ab ki bar ye aisa nhi hone wala h. Nayi govt koi naya quota ya reservation la sakti h votebank politics ke chakkar me but jo already ja select ho chuke h in accordance to current law and process wo safe h.
With regards
Paradox ji mere 154 marks h
General cat.paper out tha sabhi ne pata h
Aapko kya lagta h ye eak hi group tha out karvane wala
Bahut se group hoge magar pakda eak hi group gya
Agar paper canel nhi hua to merit high jayegi or out karvane wale hi lgege
So ya to paper cancel hona chahiye
Ya tier2 hona chahiye
Chor kon Jo pakda jaye
Jo chor hai wo pakde gaye
Ab or kahi SE leak hua hoga ye sab kalpna hai or kalpna SE nahi duniya or court saint SE chapter hai agar sal ke aadhar par dos sid ho to sari duniya hi dos ho jaye
Thanx a lot sir….and please stay in touch infuture also..
absolutely right brother
Leak to ssc cgl tier 1 and tier 2 ki bhi kuch shifts hui hain par woh cancel nahi hui .
Hssc bhi cancel nahi karegi or unhi ki tarah proceedings karegi
Imandari ka Dhola petne wali ka Dhola fat Gaya hai every paper out ho raha hai
Machali vibhag me thank had v officer ke chehto ko lag and ke Karna bharati cancel Karena padi
Interview double kar diya
Kya jaroor at aan padi ke 1q 2mark ka kar diya
Bjp ka imandari ka chola utre chutkake hai
Ye paper bhi bjp neta ke school SE hi out hua hai uske piche bhi Raj hai
Jab Pawan Saini ki duty nahi this to school me sane hi kyo diya wo bhi 10 ke 10 part me ye school ki milibhakti ke bina nahi ho sakta
Dost tum bilkul sahi ho in neta logo ko paise ke elava kuch najar nhi aata. Hum ne badi umeed lagai thi but abhi Jo fisher men me to Hssc he involve ho gaya. Man Le ki sit ne sare involved candidate and unke support ko pakad bhi liya. Or baad me Hssc team ne phir ghotala kar diya uski kya uski kya gurranty hai. Sala is dash me mehant karne walo ko dhake khane padte ha jab selection commetty he currept ho udhar khattar Ji kya karege. Selection commetty me bus IAS or IPS hi hony chiyea because hi known how to pass the examination.
sir my name is lavish and I have got 114 marks from 200 in s.c. cat. in this clerk examination…plz tell me is there in any chance to clear my exam ???
Mere ebpgc cat. M 140marks h kya mera clerk m hojae ga
Minimum 60% chahiye the kya 12th me clerk k ppr k liy —
Anybody plz tell
No …just 12th passed required… No minimum % required
Thnx sir
first division 60% hi hota h
Dear you must read official Notification again
They have clearly mentioned…10+2 / 10+2 1st Division / Graduation
So ,Admin Sir ab ye conferm h na ki % ka koi issue nhi h
Plz reply…!!!
Admin sir plz tell official news kb ayegi hssc ki taraf se abt clerk exam ??
Admin sir please tell any update of hssc clerk exam cancel
offical key kab tak aagyi
January ke last ya Feb first week me
Papper cancel ku hoga bhi sarkar top h jo marit m bas un hi dubara le le cheete papper hi dane nahi avege conditation rakh de passing mark ki
ye bahrrti rad ho jawe to hi thik h mahre rohtash dada ga number 200 m 300 aav s
Kar de na gawaro wali bat! Tum jese logo ka kuch nahi ho sakta! Na he tum me Bolne ka tarika na he talent
Paper cancel nahi hoga ye 100% true hai
Sure ?
मेरे 144 है कुछ हो सकता है मुझे कोई जवाब नही देता
90% chaces he dear
152 ke chance hai kya ji
Bhi pakka
commenting just to let you know guys im still alive 😉
Grt! Is there any news about cancelling of exam?
No bro, exam will not be cancelled as they have delayed around 20 days. Agar unko exam cancel krna hota to tabhi kar dete jab answers keys jo pakdi gyi sahi mili thi and jaanch to tabh bhi chalti rahti. But i think board is convinced that they will catch every single who is involved. And then declare the result. Dobara koi leak nhi hoga uski koi gaurantee nhi, online exam karwana wo afford kr nhi sakte. Agar online karwane ki socha bhi to online exam ka software ready krne me hi ek saal lag jayega bcoz banking walo ke k paas apna ek bar banaya hua h jisko bar bar use krke time save kr sakte h. And online exam conduct krna bohot technical kaam h. Aisa nhi ki koi bhi online quiz ki app download krke kaam chala le. Bohot bada database handle krna hota hai and then network programming/ server programming. Isse acha mere khayal se wo ye doch rahe h k ek do month ache se janch krke jitne jada se jada ho sake logo ko pakad le and cheater candidates ka result cancel kr de. And fir se exam hua bhi to agar dobara leak hua and koi pakda bhi nhi gya moke se to wo jada dikkat krega hard working candidates ko. Isliye wo wait kr rahe h. I hope exam cancel na ho bcoz jo lagatar practice kr rahe the and sirf tyari k chakkar me nob chodkar ghar baithe the unka ek saal ka wait or badh jayega and itni dur ja jaksr jo girls pehli bar me hi pata nhi raat ko kaise adjust kiya rahne ka. Sabko dikkat ho jayegi. But agar jaanch me 100 candidates bhi bahar ho gye na to bhi cut off down rahegi.
Happy new year guys
Ph se type krne me yahi dikkat h. Spelling mistakes ????
Doch* = soch
Nob * = job
Ye 2 word dobara correct krke padh lena, jadlbazi me galat type ho gye the ????
Yes dude grt analysis I hope all the cheaters got arrested as soon as possible and hssc should announce tier 2 for all the candidates who got 86+ marks!
As expected Good analysis…but
only thing i am worried about is….Candidates going to court for cancellation
bcoz if the papers were leaked…they have very solid reason for going to court
okay guys, one more thing. maine dekha hai ke site par bohot discussion ho rha h and kuc candidates court case ki baat kar rahe h. I think court case will not benefit us.
1. Because, hum court case kar sakte h ki hamare sath kuch galat hua ho jaise ki. humne interview acha diya but ache marks nhi mile. ( cctv evidence through RTI)
2. HSSC kisi candidate ko kisi aisi baat ko lekar disqualify kar deta h jiska mention ad di hui terms and conditions me na ho.
3. hum case kar sakte h ke HSSC jaan bujhkar delay kar raha h and HSSC leak me HSSC ke kisi staff ka hath h ( wo bhi tab jab evidence ho). because abhi tak kisi bhi hssc ke staff ke paper leak me shamil hone ki baat nhi aayi h. Jammer company bhi third party thi and wo sab PTI teachers and other jo bhi pakde gaye wo bhi third party the. jinka direct hssc se koi lena dena nhi tha.
4. Police is involved and SIT has been constituted to probe into the matter. Court bhi yahi karta. koi SIT constitute karta. We can win personal issue vs HSSC case, but not like this common cause for which we can not completely blame HSSC for everything that happened.
6. HSSC have all the valid points and evidence to prove that it was not thier fault and shit happened because of some greedy coaching insitutes.
7. It has became more like a criminal case against paper leakers.
8. Even if you still manage to find a valid points to file your petition in the court, they have counter-points too. And this will make the case stretch for many years. And only chance to win the case is to prove that it was HSSC’s own fault and masterminded by its memebers.
9.And chalo positive ban bhi jate h, maan lo ke aapne prashant bhushan type bada vakeel hire kiya and usne case jita bhi diya ? what will happen? HSSC will provide you job directly? bhai aisa nhi hota..agar 3-4 saal case lad kar jeet bhi gaye to cour will fine some 500 ya 600rs fine to HSSC for negligence in conducting and worse, it will suspend some of its memeber ( which is not easy, our consitution provides too much power to beaurocrats that it is not easy to suspend them, thats why even politicians cant suspend them, they just transfer them).And court bolega ke chalo ab dobara conduct karwao exam with more transparency and more security, and tab tak kuch bhaiyo ki shadi ho jayegi, kuch waise hi kahi set ho chuke hoge kisi na kisi kaam me and kuch bechare ummid chod chuke hoge.
Ab karte hai main mudde ki baat, agar exam cancel hota h to samjh lo dobara exam hone me pura saal lag jayega, because dobara fir se wahi process shuru karna padega. IS saal ki nayi vacancy aa chuki hogi, iske liye bich me fir se 15-20 din ke liye form bharne ki date dal denge and 400-500 new vacancy add kar denge. Fir inko wahi sab time dena padega (fresh applicants) and aisa karte karte decemeber aa jayega and fir 2018 jakar kisi ki final selection ho.
Now agar guys you want to case, to case karne ke points h
1. C and D grade ki jobs me interview ki koi jarurat nhi hoti and yaha clerk job ke liye bhi interview liya jayega, saaf dikhata hai k agar written me corrupton nhi hua to interview me ho sakta h . File a petition in the court and ye interview ko hatao. yaha tak ke SSC bhi nhi leti interview in CHSL me jo clerk level ki job hoti h. And ye case pakka jita ja sakta h because already aise rules h ke it is not necessary to conduct interviews for C and D grade jobs.
with regards
aap sahi kah rahe ho, ab cancel nahi honge, hone bhi nahi chahiye, acchi se inquiry ho,sabhi currept candidate ko arrest karo,maine bhi 5 months private job chod kar tyari ki thi,last 1 year se tyari kar raha tha, ab dobara se muskil se private nokri mili hai, ager cancel hota hai, to dobara fir nokri chodni padegi,ab mai baar-2 aaisa nahi kar sakta.financial problem hoti hai family walo ko,my score- 83% in bc-a
Hi paradox…i read ur all comments…u hv awsm knowledge dear..more den anyone.and we appreciate that…actually i hv a doubt pls clearify dat if u can….agar exam cancel ni hota h and students select ho jate h job joining ho jati h ….aur phir jo select ni hue vo case kar dete hain..aur by chance somehow jeet b jate h to kya govt.jo candidates already join kar chuke h unhe b hata sakti h kya???means unki job secure h ya ni jo iss bhartu se select honge??
Sir exam cancel hote h aur dobara honge to Kya wo hi candidate exam denge jinone abhi diya h,ya fir saare jinone exam nahi diya wo bhi? tell me please……..?
Yes…agar cancel hota hai toh …Jinse abhi diya hai…sirf wahi de paaye
Admin sir mai up SE hu mera 160 marks hai mera written clear hoga kya sir please tell me
Yes you will pass written
Bhi admin cancel ki ku bole h ek papper or le le kam se kam bheed to kam hogi 15000 balka ka le le jo top me h baat a khatam jis n cheeting kari h us k 120 bi nahi avega pakda ja ga har vo cheeter ya vo papper hi nahi dane avegga
Admin plz tell
Official news kb aayegi hssc ki abt clerk paper ?
Bhi jik k 150 + h koi b cast ka ho kabi nahi chyagga paper cancel ho kuki us ko pata h 150 kitni muskil se aye h or rahi baat court jani ki tare gar ka court nahi h na hi hssc tare jase ka kase b daraj nahi ho ga try if papper may be cancel
Respected sir,interview mein kis type k question put ho skte h.kindly tell about this.
Bhi jik k 150 + h koi b cast ka ho kabi nahi chyagga paper cancel ho kuki us ko pata h 150 kitni muskil se aye h or rahi baat court jani ki tare gar ka court nahi h na hi hssc tare jase ka kase b daraj nahi ho ga try if papper may be cancel
Yar pehle Ye to decide hone de ki result aaega ke nahi Tujhe interview ki padhi he
sir,kindly answer
Merit Bhai SE speed hai is site ko whole hi Na ye site hi hai Jo cancel ki baat kar rahi hai or kahi bhi koi candidate nahi charts ki paper cancel ho merit is site per last entry this aaj ke bad is bhaiya site ko mai kanji nahi kholooga or Bhai SE speed hai koi be is site ko Na whole or doosro. Ko bhi Na kholne ke liye kaha kyo ki ye touche ghatiya
मेरे दोस्त….एडमिन के छोटे भाई ने भी ये परीक्षा दी है
और उसके 164+ बनते है written एग्जाम में….
और रही बात इंटरव्यू की तो वो उसमे 20+ ले लेगा…उसमे मुझे कोई शक नहीं
तो मेरे भाई मुझे पेपर कैंसिल से क्या फायदा होगा????
और रही बात कैंसिल वाली तो…हमने यहाँ हर बात वजह के साथ बताई है
तुम्हारी तरह सिर्फ आरोप नहीं लगाये…
अब मैं सिर्फ तुम जैसे लोगो को खुश करने के लिए ये तो बिलकुल नहीं बोल सकता…
की भाइयो राजी हो जाओ…मिठाई बांटो …पेपर कैंसिल नही होगा
Sahi to kah raha hai. Ki paper cancel na ho. Bahoot se log eise honge jinko English to likhni nahi aati bus ek baat aati hai paper cancel nahi ho. Kyonki udhar bhi kahi gotala hai.
Sir paper cancel hoga ya nhi..
Bhi nahi ho ga ye vo candidate h jin k 100 mark se b kam mark ye ase hi bhokte rahe ja ge hssc apna kaam kargi vaha koi in ki tare chutia thodi bathe h bina dimak ki baat kare
मै 50 बार बोल चुका हूँ…भाषा और शब्दो पे कंट्रोल रखो…
यार तुम सब पढ़े लिखो हो…तो एक लिखे-पढ़े की तरह बर्ताव करो।
और रही बात HSSC की तो वो अपना फैसला जरूर सुनायेगा..उसमे कोई शक नहीं…
जो खुश होगा वो मानेगा…
जो नाखुश होगा…कोर्ट जायेगा….
लेकिन जिसे नोकरी लगना है वो अपनी तैयारी जारी रखेगा।
वो इस एक ही भर्ती के भरोसे नहीं बैठेगा।
Admin sir its my 3rd post yet m unable to get rply from u..i hv got 156 marks gen cat..what is d chance fr selection…n how much time would b taken by SIT investigatn bcoz exam cancelatn n resut both are depend on sit investiation report
Within week SIT will submit it’s report…
And with these marks….start interview tayaari. …
Pls Admin tell me ager sabi cheater pkde jaate h to kya cut off niche aa sakti h isse ager aa sakti h to kitne marks ka diference aaye ga
Pls Admin tell me ager sabi cheater pkde jaate h to kya expected cut off niche aa sekti h ager asa hua to kitne marks ka difference aaye ga pls tell me Admin
Dear Admin ager sabi cheater pkde jaate h to kya expected cut off niche aa sakti h ager asa hota h to kitne marks ka difference aaye ga
Dear Naveen…SIT will decide ye Sabhi Cheater kitne hai…in Numbers
and How much marks they scored…
Hume nahi peta un logo ne 90 Qs thik kiye hai….ya 80 ….ya 70
Un sab k pakde jaane k baad hi situation clear hogi
Dear Admin yo to normal si baat h jisne cheat ki h uske 85+ question theek hoge and i got 142 marks in gen cat
pls Admin tell me
Action recorder m 132 marks h
patwari m 134 marks h kya chance h interview m
Pls Admin tell me i got clerk exam 142 marks in Gen cat
Action recorder m 132 marks
Patwari k m 134 marks h kitnr chance h admin interview k
Kai baar puch chuka hu pls tell me
114 marks with sc category. Have i any chance dear Admin ?
Admin sir apko kya lagta h paper cancel hoga ya nhi ?
There is more possibility of Cancellation of this whole exam
But hona nhi chahiye Sir
Sirf wo aisa chahte h jinka paper acha nhi hua h
Agar exam cancel hua to ye Bharti kbhi hogi he nhi
Paper must b cancel…. Bcz honest condidets ka number aa sake
Why candidate move to court if all fraud candidate captured and punished there is no reason going to court . Let paper cancel and again leaked and not identified any fraud what happen . It is good for this time fraud are captured and fraud paper should be cancel and result declared . I request u don’t aggressive candidate for cancellations and move to court
Next month should be official key on hss website this mean paper couldn’t cancel
Sorry dear…I forget to mention ….only if paper does not get cancelled…
If board does not cancel this exam…a lot of candidates will move to court
but if all fraud gets captured and govt complete the selection procedure of fair candidates.. den jo select ni honge ve court me jayenge but unka court jane ka kuch fayda ni hoga sir,,,pahli baat to case registered hi ni hoga agar case registered b ho gya to govt. b apna advocate appoint karegi aur vo kbhi ni harega cz govt k pass bhut sare valid points honge to not cancel the exam ..kbhi b kuch frauds ki vajah se hajaron bachon ka future kharab ni hota aur na hi govt apne crodon rupees kharab kregi …..then..obvsly govt hi case jitegi ya phir vo lamba chalta rahega pta ni kitne salo tak…aur phir jinhe naukri mil chuki hogi koi b govt unhe hata b ni sakti…..
I have 106 markes pH cat if there any chance please reply
official key kab tak aagyi
NEXT MONTH….and only if paper does not get cancelled
Sabi ko pakad kar remand bol de sab ka naam bata de ga kitne balko k pass key thi
Hssc tari ghar ki koni as soon as sab kuch kar de gi far leak ho ja ga k kar le ga 7 lakh balak h kitni dikat hoti h papper dan m ladkiy bhi dane jatti 200 killometer un ko raat ko rukan b padta h passa k intajam b karna padta h har koi amir nahi hota jis par dikat hoti h us ko hi patta h yadi hom distt.m center hota to 7 lakh hi papper dati 3 lakh nahi
Sir mre 142 Number h or m Bc-a cat se hu kya mera koi chance h select hone ka plz reply sir
Yes it has been declared /proved that all day’s paper has been leaked then why should we compromise from non cancellation of paper , you can’t find out how many student got the paper, so it should be cancelled. And declare new date as early as possible.
Bhut se lôg juth bol rhe hai. Abhi hssc ne paper cancel nhi kya hai. Juth se door rho. Strk rho sawdhan rho
Ashok I m agree with u..
Admin sir.. …hssc Auction recorder me 144 Mark’s hai.. .bc-b category me kitne chances hai
Sir… ..pls reply.. …i m wait your msg
Sir ortho handicapied hai 100 marks kya interview hoga aaj tak replay nahi aya
Dear admin sir
U are above expected score for your category…hope for best
Bilkul usha g aapka test pass ho jayga
Pls Admin tell me ye jo cut off h ×2 h ya ×4 h
its 2 Time….
Official key kab ayegi sir
i have 136 marks in gen category?will i wait for interview letter?
Yes…u have high chances
Bhi k kave h papper dubar hona chyaie ku bhi kitne h is m hssc apna kaam kar rahi h jo kargi vo kare hi gi ku pure dash m clerk k liye interviwe h k khi lakin haryana m h ku bata
150 marks gen up se any chancefor interview?
Agar hum ye soch k ke ek din exam k liye he ja rhe h or CM ya phr corruption k against ANIL VIJ s mile or apni hr bt vha p rkhe tb kuch hoga vrna krte rho ya comment bss ….OR cutoff high s sirf do he reason honge 1st …ye paper leak …2nd hssc phle ke exam k result ne deti or hr job merit list m like clerk,patwari,auction recoreder,police, sb m vo bcha to top p rhega he jo bht time s tyari kr rha h or isliye uske pas 4 job hongi or dusro ka kabhi NO. ne ana…So please sath mil k kuch kro is k against … and i am ready to go anywhere against all this…so please join us and do something …[email protected] …9729090818 (call or wtsapp) ..EK din k liye sth ho jao
agar cm se kuch kahna h to ye kho jitna jaldi ho sake vacancies fill kare jitni b nikali hui h …because agar bjp govt. ne dokha diya to haryana ka sara youth bjp ko kbhi vote ni dega lifetime…sabhi candidates isi umeed me h ki fair selection honge ..sabhi hard work kar rhe h coaching le rhe h do saal se….and one important thing is that haryana me job pakki tabhi mani jayegi jab pahli salary mil jaye…agar selected candidates ki list lagake chod di or join ni karaya to vo sarasar dhokha hoga cz next govt aate hi uss list ko phad k phek degi…phir karte raho case ….bjp ka ye spell turning point ho sakta h unke future k liye in haryana
Yha p comment krne s kuch ne hone vala ….jb pta h ke recuitment glt way s chl rhe h to ek group bnao or CM ya hssc k head s milo or apni bat vha p rkho …ek dusre ko bolne s kya hone vala h …OR ek RE-exam to bnta h pr HSSC ko 130 ya 140 s above marks valo ka he RE-EXAm lena chaiye because recruitment se in ghatiya bndo ko bhr krna jarori h jo ek hardwork krne vale ke seat lete h …
hello everyone …cuttoff bht jada h near to 160 or reason hoga ye ke paper leak h …..
Admin plz tell I got 162 in gen
Tell me the chances of interview call ?
Its more than sufficient to qualify written…
Paper cancil nhi hone chahiye.paper leak karne walo aur answer key lene walo ko pakadna chahiye aur un pr ban lagana chahiye.
Pls Admin tell me i got 142 marks in gen cat how much chance in interview
u will get Interview call
Guranti h papper cancel nahi hoga or nahi hi hona chyaiea dubara ka matbal h kabi nahi 7 lakh ka kon paper le ga dubara or fir leak nahi hoga kaya pata
sir paper cancel hone k kitne chance hai.paper cancel nahi hona chahiye
Ebpgc ka form fill karate samay koi option nahi tha to iska aage Kya process hoga
Abe yar pehle Ye to dekh le ki exam ka result bhi aaega ke nahi
Sir form fill karate samay to ebpgc ka koi option nahi tha to aage kaisee hoga iska process…Please inform me….
152 marks in gen category
Is there any chance in qualifying written test
Plz anyone tell
no chance
Hssc ka exam cancel nhi hoga. Jan k last week may result aayga. March may intetview start. Hssc ka bda faisla
Kya ye Khabarovsk sach ki Jan. Me result ayega or march me interview hoga
Aap ne kidar pad liya. Abhi to committee ki report bhi nahi aaye……
Type test rekh do.Uske baad pta leg jayega ki paper out kerne ka kya fiyda h
O ghana shyan mat ban typing test rakhe do ghari ki sarksr h k
please sir mane phle b pucha tha kya ebpgc ka stay hat gya mera score 164 bn rha h sir please reply krna
Stay hat gaya hai…and your score is gud…u will qualify written test…gud luck
stay hat gya hai ebpg se tabi to haryana lady police ka result aaya tha 100 post thi 57 khali he rah gai
please sir mane phle b pucha tha kya ebpgc ka stay hat gya mera score 164 bn rha h sir please reply krna
Brother hssc ne jin 20 candidates ke naam aur roll no. Bataiya hai wo kewal 11Dec. Evening wale paper ke hai jo paper last week ko huwa hai isme bhe to bahut setting the jiske bare me koi nahi janta so paper cancel hona chaiyea
bawli buch tera paper cancle krta hu ruk jaa
04 day ke leak hua ha to candidate 100 me honge kyonki is me institute ka owner involved hai usko apne institute ka rank bhi to badana tha sath me student ko confirmed job bhi mil rahi thi. To bahut share students ne paise diye honge. Aise logo ko to 3rd degree dena chiye sara ugal denge.
Hssc paper leak clerk—Sit ne report Tuesday KO deni thi Lekin kisi karn report nahi di ja Saki .report ke bad pata chale-ga ki hssc clerk ka paper cancel karat ha ya nahi.ya fir marit cut off kum karke 6134×\ 3× /4× candidate interviews ke liye bulata ha ya nahi.hssc diside karega.
Sit ne report Tuesday KO deni thi Lekin kisi karn report nahi di ja Saki .report ke bad pata chale-ga ki hssc clerk ka paper cancel karat ha ya nahi.ya fir marit cut off kum karke 6134×\ 3× /4× candidate interviews ke liye bulata ha ya nahi.hssc diside karega.
Sit ne report Tuesday KO deni thi Lekin kisi karn report nahi di ja Saki .report ke bad pata chale-ga ki hssc clerk ka paper cancel karat ha ya nahi.ya fir marit cut off kum karke 6134×\ 3× /4× candidate interviews ke liye bulata ha ya nahi.hssc diside karega.
Bhi papper ek ho jaye lakin interview khatm hona chyaiea
Respected admin aap koi Aisa feature add kijiye Jaise ki jo chahhte ki exam cancel ho wo like karo or jo nhi chahte cancel ho wo comment Kare jaise Facebook par karte hai Kisi post ke liye Dekhte kiski % jyada Aati hai
We will start poll in Facebook Group===>>>Haryana Govt Jobs
Kya cancel hoga paper
Nhi hoga cancel bhai
Sir comment lage system sahi nhi h app ka kabi koi paje khulta h kabi koi
Na to papper cancel hoga na a bubara hoga polish apna kaam kar rahi h sabi ko pakde le gi no tension koi b nahi bache ga
Sahi kaha koi nahi bachega sahi ko Naga kare pita karega sahi default candidate ke Nam as jayege
Bhi saram ave h k 100 parsan m se 50 par cut off kar de jab ki nagative b nahi h is papper m k tu nahi padda k sab tare jase h k or padta to te nai bolta
i have done correct 140.no.can igot a chance in hsssc clerk?tell me any body
cut off 55% pa kar deni chahiye or jo is cut off clear krta h uska paper dobara lana chahiye kyo ki sbi ka paper dobara nhi liya ja skta h
Right…cutoff should be around 50 to 60% and who clears this .then mains exam has to clear
Right jitne log bhi cut off ke baad qualified hote hai unka phir se rexam le lo cheater Bahar ho jayenge or fairness par bhi koi Sawal nhi aayega
Your right comment
India Exam News Team aapka ye page is exam ke liye helpful h, par aapka Navigation system acha nhi hai. Ab mujhe aur comments dekhne h to aapne previous ka to button de diya par Next ka kyu nhi diya. Ya phir 1, 6, aur 7 button par click kar sakte h. Aap ya to next ka button jod do ya phir sabhi comment ke page number ek sath show kardo. Taki older comments tak pahunchne me problem na aaye.
Thanks Dear for suggestion…we will Solve this issue…As early as possible
Bhi cancel nahi hona chyaie dubar punchkula kon ja ga kis k paas pase h 500 ek baar lage jate h bhi this situation
Sir mera exam 104 no ka hua h me sc cattegory se male candidate hu mera koi chance h kya sir ji
sir i got 148 marks in BCA category is there is any chance for interview call?
exam cancelled nhi hona chaye ye wo log h jo padte nhi wahi paper cancle k lye bol rahe h
bhai humne bi padhai karke exam diya ye jo tu bol rha ye ek gatiya bat h agar ek bi bacha cheat karke lag gya to vo dhoka hoga jin bacho ne imandri se exam diya h…….or jo apne kha n ye ek gatiya bat ki h
jinhone exam kharida h unko b pkd lo exam dubara hone se bch jaega
Bilcul shi h nhi hona chahiye
Sir mere ebpgc cat m 69q thik h kya mera ho skta h
re-exam nahi hone chahiye… ye to sure hai ki re-exam ki baat vohi kar rahe hai jinka exam acha nahi hua. yaar ye to socho kitne exam dene wale aise honge jo kahi kahi se paiso ka arrangement karke door door exam dene gaye the.. jinke pas paise hai unke liye to chahe 10 baar exam kar do, unko koi farak nahi padta.
Sir i got 142 marks gen category can i go for interview
Chances 99%
Paper cancel nahi Hona hai
Jo paper cancel Karena chahiye hai we wo hai jinka paper acha nahi hua
Mere 140 marks hai sc may. Kya mera test clear ho jayga
Admin plz tell me…I submitted OBC certificate along with Domicile in place of BC-A certificate… In what category will be count …General or Reserved… Or it may be cancelled. .
They will ask for document as per online form …the category you selected in online form…wssi k document show krne hoge
I have BC- a certificate now..but after submission of form… Can I counted now or not in Reserved… I just wants to clarify…
Saare paper cancel hone chahiye..kyoki agr ek bhi candidate agr fraud lag gya tho vo ek shi candidate ki seat bhar dega…isliye jaaago aur sbhi papers ko cancel krvao…
I got 136 marks in bc a category.There is any chances
Cannot judge.expected cut off must be higher than this as shown above.because candidates were preparing exam since 3 years.because bjp ne 2.5 saal mein koi bhi bharti nhi ki hai.
Respected sir,kindly give information about paper cancellation,please
Sir i got 148 (general category+ dependent of exservicemen) is there any chance of interview???
Sir mere bc_a DFF category hai mera koi chance hai mere 122 number hai
Sir SC me 116 no., h kya paper clear ho sakta h
Cut off must go above120
Sir I have 122 bc_A and DFF category I have any chance
sir, i got 148 marks in BCA category is there is any chance for interview?
I got 104 marks bc(a) pwd(vh).is there any chance for interview
sir,I got 104 marks.my category is BC(a) visual impaired.is there any chance for interview.
You are very near the cutoff marks…wait for official Cutoff marks…
thank you sir but please tell me is there any hope or not.please sir
Dear its expected cutoff…and it may very 5-10 marks +/-…so there is hope…
thank you so much sir.but I hope there will be good for me.hopefully I got interview call
sir please ek baat conform krna kya ebpgc ko clean cheat meel gyi h kya please sir batana
Sir mare 112 marks h SC female m koi chance h kya
Form fill karate samay to ebpgc ka koi option nahi that…Then how we get the benefit of this