HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks
A lot of candidates are queries about Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. The Reason is obvious. Candidates will get chance to appear in stage 2 testing only after clearing HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks. Haryana staff selection commission will declare HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks on its official website.
Candidates will get official HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks along with the result. But all candidates have not that much patience’s. They want to know minimum qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk Exam. Hence we are providing you expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 in below section.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 – from the factors that influence the cutoff to expert insights on how to improve your chances of scoring above it. We’ll break it down in a way that’s easy to follow, so you can focus on what matters most: securing your position.
HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Candidates must be aware of Haryana HSSC Clerk selection Process. There will a fixed Cutoff marks for HSSC Clerk Exam. Haryana staff selection commission will decide minimum HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. There will be no separate cutoff marks for different shifts.
HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will be same. Similarly HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will also be same. Hence we can say that HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks for All shifts will be same. Board will fix a common cutoff marks for all the shifts.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks (General, SC, BC, PH Category)
You don’t need to search for HSSC Clerk Category wise cutoff marks. We have updated HSSC Clerk General, OBC, SC, ST category cutoff marks in below table. You just have to look into the table for Haryana Clerk Exam Qualifying marks for all categories.
Candidates must keep one thing in mind that it is just expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. Board will disclose official HSSC Clerk Exam qualifying Marks later on with test result. We would also link to tell you that qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk exam will depend on various factors. Now you should check this below given table for detailed information.
HSSC Clerk EBPG Category Final Result
Latest News (…………….): Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC) has been released finally. The candidates were waiting for it eagerly. HSSC Clerk Final Result for EBPG Category is out now. The wait for the final result is over now. You can download it by following the below-given link.
Download Here>>>=== Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC)
HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (HSSC) ने क्लर्क भर्ती का फाइनल रिजल्ट ……….. की शाम की को घोषित कर दिया है। आप निचे दी गयी लिंक से हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते है और उसमे अपना अपना रोल नंबर देख सकते है। कैटगरी अनुसार फाइनल कटऑफ मार्क्स भी निचे टेबल में अपडेट कर दिए गए है।
हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते है की आयोग ……….. को हरियाणा क्लर्क परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर सकता है। इस रिजल्ट में देर होने की वजह है कटऑफ मार्क्स का घट जाना। इसकी वजह से लगभग 2000 कैंडिडेट को डॉक्यूमेंट चेकिंग के लिए और बुलाया गया था और उसके बाद उनके इंटरव्यू लिए गए थे। वैसे ये सिर्फ एक उम्मीद मात्र है लेकिन इस पर विश्वास किया जा सकता है क्योकि ये सुचना हमें हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के गुप्त सूत्रों से मिली है। इसलिए आप अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखे। जैसे ही आयोग की तरफ से कोई नयी सुचना आती है आपको तुरंत इनफार्मेशन डी जाएगी।
आज की ताज़ा जानकारी ये है की हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग मार्च महीने में 15 तारीख से पहले HSSC क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर सकता है। इस भर्ती पर सिर्फ 2 केस बचे है और इनकी सुनवाई तब तक ख़तम हो जाएगी और जहा तक उम्मीद है की ये दोनों ही केस रद्द हो जायगे। अपील करने वाला पक्ष अभी तक ऐसा कोई भी ठोस सबूत पेश नहीं कर पाया जिससे ये आरोप सही साबित हो सके। अब आयोग सिर्फ अंतिम फैसला आने की इन्तजार कर रहा है। इसके जारी होने के अगले ही दिन आयोग हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट अपलोड कर देगा।
सभी कैंडिडेट को इंटरव्यू में शामिल हुए है उन सभी को निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपने कटऑफ मार्क्स देख लेने चाहिए। हम आप सभी को ये बता देना चाहते है की हमने यहाँ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के कटऑफ मार्क्स दिए है। पिछली पूरी हुई भर्तियों को देखते हुए इंटरव्यू की कटऑफ ….20+ रहने की पूरी उम्मीद है। इसलिए हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल कटऑफ उसी हिसाब से अनुमान लगा ले।
Also Read (ये भी जरूर पढ़े) | |
1. | Haryana Conductor Result |
2. | Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks (Official) |
Latest Update : हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते यही की हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन ने क्लर्क भर्ती कटऑफ बदल दी है। जैसे की हरियाणा क्लर्क जनरल कटऑफ 152 से घटा कर 150 कर दी गयी है। बाकि कैटगरी के मार्क्स भी बदली हुए है। आप निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपनी कैटगरी के अनुसार नयी कटऑफ देख सकते है। ये कटऑफ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के लिए है। फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट /कटऑफ लिस्ट इंटरव्यू स्टेज के नंबर जोड़ कर तैयार की जाएगी।
HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks (Official)-Updated Now |
Name of Category | Minimum Cutoff Marks |
General | Check Here |
BC A | Check Here |
SC | Check Here |
BC B | Check Here |
EBPGC | Check Here |
ESM Gen | Check Here |
ESM SC | Check Here |
ESM BCA | Check Here |
ESM BCB | Check Here |
OSP Gen | Check Here |
OSP SC | Check Here |
OSP BCA | Check Here |
OSP BCB | Check Here |
OH | Check Here |
HH | Check Here |
VH | Check Here |
Note:- SBC Category पर कोर्ट की तरफ से रोक लगा दी गयी है इसलिए इसकी अलग से मेरिट लिस्ट आने की संभावना बहुत कम है। लेकिन कोर्ट ने अभी आखरी फैसला नहीं सुनाया है। फाइनल judgement के अनुसार मेरिट पर विचार किया जायगा।
Also Read: Download HSSC Clerk Final Result PDF
Must Read: HSSC Forester Admit Card – Rescheduled
जरुरी सूचना: Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date (Official)
Also Read: HSSC Conductor Result
Download HSSC क्लर्क Official Answer Key PDF
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
- HSSC Clerk Result Declared on ………………
- HSSC क्लर्क रिजल्ट पर हाईकोर्ट ने लगायी रोक, आयोग से माँगा जवाब ।
- 3 महीने और करना होगा रिजल्ट के लिए इन्तजार ।
- हरियाणा क्लर्क पेपर लीक मामले की अगली सुनवाई की तारीख …………..।
- उसके बाद कोर्ट सुनाएगा आखिरी फैसला । पूरी खबर और जानकारी नीचे पढ़े।
HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा प्रक्रिया में थोड़ा बदलवा हो सकता है।
हाल ही में हुई दूसरी भर्ती की इंटरव्यू प्रक्रिया में वेकैंसी से दोगुना की जगह चार गुना कैंडिडेट्स को बुलाया गया। HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा में Total ……… Vacancy है। अगर ऐसा क्लर्क भर्ती प्रक्रिया में भी हुआ तो लगभग 25 हज़ार कैंडिडेट क्लर्क परीक्षा पास घोषित किये जायगे।
हरियाणा HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती Exam में चपरासियों तक से सेटिंग थी…सभी एग्जाम सेन्टर/जिलो में…..सिर्फ भिवानी Exam Center में सेटिंग नहीं हो पायी…और वहाँ आरोपी पकड़ा गया…आपको क्या लगता है सिर्फ 1 कोचिंग अकैडमी और JBT टीचर ने इतनी बड़ी सेटिंग की????पहले जांच में ये बात सामने आयी थी की 20 कैंडिडेट इसमें शामिल है और अभी तक सिर्फ 7 आरोपी मिले है पुलिस को!!!!!!
अरे बाकि आरोपियों को अगली सर्दियों में गिरफ्तार करोगे क्या??? या ये HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती भी बीच में लटकाने का इरादा है???
Latest News on HSSC Clerk Exam Cancel on Facebook Group –Haryana Govt Jobs
HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा हो सकती है रद्द –Read Full News
Download HSSC Clerk Answer Key (Morning / Evening Shift)
How to download HSSC Clerk (Official) Cutoff Marks
- Go to official commission website.
- Here go to latest news/updates section.
- You also get Public Notice section on main page.
- Here you have to search for HSSC Clerk exam qualifying Marks.
- Find and download exact pdf file.
- Hence you will get category wise cutoff marks of …………. HSSC Clerk Exam.
हरियाणा क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा से जुड़ी ताज़ा जानकारी पाने के लिए फेसबुक ग्रुप ज्वाइन करे===>>Haryana Govt Jobs
Important Note: A lot of candidates want to know about Haryana Clerk Joining Date. we have updated this news also. You can check previous update for official news & date on this topic. More update such as Haryana Clerk Salary is also updated. You will be able to check by your self, how much income you will get after joining.
What Are HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks?
Cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates need to achieve in order to qualify for the next stages of the recruitment process. The HSSC releases these marks after the examination, which helps in creating a fair assessment environment. Factors that influence cutoff marks include the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies available, and the overall performance of candidates.
Haryana Clerk Cutoff Marks (…………. Exam)
Number of candidates appeared in written examination, their individual performance, paper’s toughness level etc. will decide final Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025. There will be only one type of cutoff marks i.e. category wise. There will not be any shift/date wise HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks.
You will just have to score more than avg. of all the shifts. You must clear HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks as per your category. Only then you will be declared qualified in written examination. Candidates having any question regarding qualifying marks of Haryana clerk exam can ask in comment box.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks 2025 – HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks-HSSC Clerk General, SC,BC,PH Cutoff Marks– HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
128 from bc-b, my chance??
Sir apne btaya ni. .any chance passing n list m ane k liy woman candidate + BCA+ ex service man dependent and I hv got 88 marks.kya koi chance h pls sir btayie
sir 130 marks in bc-b catagory… what are the chances… any idea…
110 marks h koi chance
Bca ctry pls reply sir
Sir…..I m getting 100 marks in bc-a is there any chance of calling for interview
No Dear…prepare for next exam
Sure. There r chance
Sir tell me mere 128 mark has koi chance hai kya
Sir tell I have any chance to mark 128
Acc. To my analysis cutoff will be 122 – 126 for general category .
134 General belongs to other state can I select for interview post
Mere 152 hai SC cat, chance hai kuch?
Sir 134 gen m h, any chance
Please let me know
sir 72 questions right . sc category . cutt off me hone ke kitne chance hain
Cut of be high because paper coming easy
I think for gen 150 +-4
Bc144 +-4
SC.130 +-4
Ebpg 128. +-4
Sir, mere 130 marks h obc category
Koi chance h interview ka
sir mere 132 marks hai sc hu .any chance for me ?
Cut off for interview
Gen. 140-152
obc. 135-145
ebpg 110-114
sir i get 130 marks in bca category any chance for interview
Sir I got 130mark category bca desm any chance for interview
Sir desm ki list esm k sath lgegi ya alg please clear my doubt sir please desm ka system samja do ki cutt off kya rahegi desm k liye pls rpy krna sir maine ye question 2nd time phucha h
Sc candidate 135 marks, what is expectation sir
Sir 132 marks Bc-A kya chance h please Reply….
Sir I have got 110 marks. ESM BCB ANY CHANCE.
Sir…g…,bc-b catgory me (154) marks hai…..kya chances hai PLS….. tell me…
Sir mere 148 marks bnte hai cat. Ebgc is there any chance plz tell me
126 Sc any chance………
Tell any one
Sir ,mere 62 questions thk h..sc category female se..kya mujhe cl ayegi interview k liye..?pls reply..
Sir i have 124 marks from sc can i go for interview
Sir mere 138 marks ban rahe h gernal catogry kya koi chance h
Sir mere 142 no bne h general cat se if any chance…
Sir i have 130 marks in haryana gen cat what r the chances plz tell me honestly
Sir please reply….I got 88 marks nd from BCA catogory nd ex service man dependent is there any chance
its too low….sorry
Sir . .too low …sorry reply uh gave to whom candidate
u have 88/100 or 176/200 plz clear that
Sir mere 100 marks h ESM BCB Chance h Kya please reply
my idea abt cutoff and am sure it will be 100% right
up-down-6 marks
sir on which base and by which criteria u make the idea of cutoff???
sir mere 150+ hain obc me. is this enough
Ye cuttoff 25000 ki h ya 12252 ki
Sir, what can be the expected cut of EX Serviceman Gen
sir mere 132 marks hai bc-a sir kya chance hai..
Sir mere 66 marks aye h or m dependent ex servicemen cat obc h koi chance h kya
Sorry Dear….No Chance…Better Luck Next Time
Sir reply karna
Sir bcb m 83 sahi walo ka kya chance h
Sir mere 83correct h… Kya koi chance h
Sir apne rply ni kia? Pls tell me sir mere 112 markes hai pwd (OH) gen haj..kya sir call ayegi interview ke lie
U r getting more than expected cutoff for this category…so yes
138 marks in General cat. Any hope??
Sir..mere 4dec morning exam me 132 marks ban rahe h…BC A Category…mera interview call letter ayega sir…please reply..i am soo afraid about it
Sir i got 156 marks general category of dec.4 2016 evening exam.any chance of getting interview call????
sir 61 bc b ho skta h kya
Sir obc categery 140 number koi chance hai
Bhai mere hee inte bne h..baki tere te 2 no faaltu hee bne h…baki maine toh koni umeed…sirf two times hee bulawege…nu hai…cut off se 20 no upar ho toh khud ne safe zone me smjho
Respected sir hw r u
Hav got 160 marks gen category
Kindly comment on my chance being selected
You are safe for Interview
Sir I have got 162 marks in gen category… Any Chance for interview call
सर , मेरे 4दिसंबर शाम की शिफ्ट में 134 अंक आ रहे हैं and i belongs to SC category. Are there any cance for me? Please reply
Sir HSSC CLERK cut off for ESM BBC?
I have heard that on 4 th Dec exam at Bhiwani center some chits were distributed or some sort of cheeting was done by candidates is it true?
Hssc final cutoff. Gen-130. Bc-a-122 Bc-b-124 Sc-110
130 marks obc n still hope interview face krne ka Moka milega
Sir I have got 106 marks in obc category… Any Chance for selection
Twinkle ki baat sahi hai Sab log curreption or reservation se pershan hai , general walo ko to top kar ke bhi job Milne ka bharosa nahi hota
Yup, you got it right.Im worried about the corruption involved.And that was not arrogance. It was just a sarcasm but it got misinterpreted. I didn’t mean to look down upon other candidates . It was just an indirect satire directed against widespread corruption, backstage influence and nepotism andeven after scoring a decent score we cant be sure about the success. We work hard and burn midnight oil and we have not got even equal rights in Constitution ( article no 16- right to equal opportunity in public employment matters) because of reservation. Phewww. I cant believe that some people think it is impossible to score 90+ because they can’t themselves :p
Admin took it in right way…That’s why we replied in similar tone…..and as an admin…..I was talking on behalf of an avg student….Nothing Personal
Write your email id…[email protected] is not working
We got your point…check your Mailbox
Twinkle you are right at this comment
Pls.h gov.follow on it
Sir I have got 120 marks koi chance ha k general DESM candidate hu
Sir mane 83 sahi kiye h nd cat. Bcb h… Kya chances h..
Sir women candidates ke like reservation had kya
Hssc final cutoff. Gen-130. Bc-a-122 Bc-b-124 Sc-110 no reservations for woman
Ho skte h 93 question bhi thik its nt a big deal…bcz some shift exam is from basic level…but i want to said you TWINKLE BHARTI mam you demoralizing other candidate to ask from admin is m i select for interview or nt…..MAM this is a quality of an arrogance personality….bcoz u already know u r selected for dis job…
Sahi kah apne bhai.Kuchh log hote hi h demoralize karne ke liye bhai mere….
Sir i have 138 marks in gen cat pllz tell me the chaces of interview
plz sir rply me i ask 3rd time
Good Chance…hope for best…
110 marks in Bc-a category, kitna chance hai??
Few chance when bord call for four times candidate for interview as court said then some chance
sir total 130 marks in obc…. aaj evening me exam tha… what are the chances…
Ready for interview
sir mere 51 question sahi h sc cat. m mere koi chance hoga
134 h bhai gen m, what r chances.
Please let me know.
Full chance for interview get ready
Sir mere 112 markes hai pwd (OH) gen. Me hai …sir pls tell me kya interview ke lie call aa skti hai mere pas?
Sir pwd students ki cut of kitni jayei?
Sir pwd students ki cut of kitni ja skti hai
Gen.120 to 124,obc. 118 to122 scat 110 iske. Ye rhwgi final dekh Lena
In 90 marks sc category what happen tell me
U right
6 m tyari se mere 148 no, h 27 nov evn, se ph oh , hu bhai key chak ki 5 ki ye bhai 70+ h jino ne book thak ni thekhi
sir patwari ka result kab aayega
124 mark in gen cat. hai koi chance
Sir mere 116 h gen category se hu kya lagta h plz. Tell me
Dear..you are on boundary line…50-50%
Koi kitna bhi intelligent ho kisi ke bhi 180 se jyada no. Muskil h
Mere 62 Question thik hai, Bc-a category hai, kya chance hai.
sir hssc clerk ki cut off 140 to 146 in OBC
166,170 marks w@le kuch selected student ho sakte h@i………$ baki sub jhoot bol rhe….hai….ye vo log..h@i jo dusro ka mind divert krte hai…
Sub fake hai……@
It might sound a bit unreal but i got 93 question right. I am super excited and i consider myself into the leauge of selected people. Hypothetical question , is there any chance for cut off being above 93 and for not being called for interview? And people chill down, even im afraid of not getting selected. Admin #thumbsup.
अगर 93+ ठीक वाले भी कटऑफ & इंटरव्यू को लेकर शंका में है तो मेरी सलाह यही है की बाकि लोग(जो 90 से कम है) कृपा करके तैयारी करना छोड़ दे।
Admin की सलाह- देवी जी…ऐसे ख़तरनाक प्रश्न पूछ कर बाकि लोगो का ध्यान भंग न करे।
हा हा…….
Respected admin, that hypothetical question was just a sarcasm.I doubt you didn’t get it right. I hope you are doing same (sarcasm). Anyways guys, thanks for suggesting IAS, im have already been preparing UPSC – 2017 too for last six months. And i dont want to be an IAS but IPS. And for your kind info, exam is not called IAS exam, it is called UPSC exam. And why im giving clerk exam? Use common sense. I want to secure a backup job first and then UPSC. Anywas chill. Am sure about written exam but not about interview. Because im not sure if interview will be transparent one or there will be corruption. 🙂
Twinkle g kya ap.apni.answer sheet ki photo.copy bhej skti h my wats,ap.no.9728209099
Twinkle g kya ap.apni.answer sheet ki pic . bhej skti h my wats,ap.no.9728209099
Even present ics officers are not that serious what u r when preparing. Although best of luck if u want to serve the county being an intelligent one.
N if u have scored that much, you need not add those 20 marks to ur huge account to get selected.
Aap IAS officer ban jayengi , clerk exam kyon de rahi hai.
Twinkle mere No 95 hai mera ho jayega kya
154 marks gen category any chance for interview
sir nagtive mrking nai he hssc clerk me ye confirm he hota to notification me hota sir
so plzz change your cut off list
and sir EBPG se stay hat gya he
result b aa gya ebpg female constble ka.
so plz ebpg ka b cut off dal do expected
Sir ortho handicapied me 100 marks hai interview ka chance hai
Sir 126 h BCA Umeed h
sir,main handicapped hoon, handicapped ki cut off kitni ho sakti hai
Kitne marks hai apke
Sir hssc clerk mein kitne number wala pass hoga. Iska result Kab tak aaega. Hssc patwari land record ka result bhi Kab tak aaega. Hssc gram sachiv as canal patwari ka exam Kab take hoga tell me.
Sir osp outstanding sports person catogary ki cut off b bata do.
Gen. Sc . bc. Ki kitna jaegi had catogary ki 35 seats reserve hain.
Please tell
Sir i belong to EBPG cat.mere 142 no. ban rahe h . mera interview k liye kya chance h ?
SC-PH category main mera score 120 ban raha hai…
Kya interview call ayegi?? Tell me plz….
156 sc category kya chnce hai sir plz reply
Respected sir,gud morng , 146 bc-a ,wt is my chance 4 interview.plz reply.i ask this question 2 times before.but u not reply.waiting 4 ur reply ………….
You are getting more marks than expected cutoffs of all categories…so Be ready for Interview
I am belong to gen. Category 69 qus is done so wt my chance…
Gen-138-140,bcb-135-138,bca-130-133,sc-127-130 ye cutt off hogi bhaio 95% chance h is cut off k
Sir I am a physically handicap oh person and I scored 126 mark may I have any chance please reply me soon and expected cutt off of physically handicap
Sir,can I get official notification of hssc clerk exam and if yes then please send it on my mail id
i got 126 ebpgc can i selected for interview please replay fast ho gaya to shaddi ho jayegi meri jaldi such batana sir
146 bc-a ,exam date 27 nov evening shift,any chance sir, plz plz plz reply sir
Sir 142 number depedent in obc cat. main
Sir i got 158 marks in BcA category
Any chance for me? Please tell me
Sir, I got 158 marks in BcA category, any chance for me please reply.
Sir other state ka % kitna hota hai