HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks
A lot of candidates are queries about Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. The Reason is obvious. Candidates will get chance to appear in stage 2 testing only after clearing HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks. Haryana staff selection commission will declare HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks on its official website.
Candidates will get official HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks along with the result. But all candidates have not that much patience’s. They want to know minimum qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk Exam. Hence we are providing you expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 in below section.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025 – from the factors that influence the cutoff to expert insights on how to improve your chances of scoring above it. We’ll break it down in a way that’s easy to follow, so you can focus on what matters most: securing your position.
HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Candidates must be aware of Haryana HSSC Clerk selection Process. There will a fixed Cutoff marks for HSSC Clerk Exam. Haryana staff selection commission will decide minimum HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. There will be no separate cutoff marks for different shifts.
HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will be same. Similarly HSSC Clerk Cutoff marks will also be same. Hence we can say that HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks for All shifts will be same. Board will fix a common cutoff marks for all the shifts.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks (General, SC, BC, PH Category)
You don’t need to search for HSSC Clerk Category wise cutoff marks. We have updated HSSC Clerk General, OBC, SC, ST category cutoff marks in below table. You just have to look into the table for Haryana Clerk Exam Qualifying marks for all categories.
Candidates must keep one thing in mind that it is just expected HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks. Board will disclose official HSSC Clerk Exam qualifying Marks later on with test result. We would also link to tell you that qualifying marks of HSSC Clerk exam will depend on various factors. Now you should check this below given table for detailed information.
HSSC Clerk EBPG Category Final Result
Latest News (…………….): Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC) has been released finally. The candidates were waiting for it eagerly. HSSC Clerk Final Result for EBPG Category is out now. The wait for the final result is over now. You can download it by following the below-given link.
Download Here>>>=== Final Result of the post of Clerk (EBPGC)
HSSC Clerk Final Cutoff Marks
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (HSSC) ने क्लर्क भर्ती का फाइनल रिजल्ट ……….. की शाम की को घोषित कर दिया है। आप निचे दी गयी लिंक से हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते है और उसमे अपना अपना रोल नंबर देख सकते है। कैटगरी अनुसार फाइनल कटऑफ मार्क्स भी निचे टेबल में अपडेट कर दिए गए है।
हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते है की आयोग ……….. को हरियाणा क्लर्क परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर सकता है। इस रिजल्ट में देर होने की वजह है कटऑफ मार्क्स का घट जाना। इसकी वजह से लगभग 2000 कैंडिडेट को डॉक्यूमेंट चेकिंग के लिए और बुलाया गया था और उसके बाद उनके इंटरव्यू लिए गए थे। वैसे ये सिर्फ एक उम्मीद मात्र है लेकिन इस पर विश्वास किया जा सकता है क्योकि ये सुचना हमें हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के गुप्त सूत्रों से मिली है। इसलिए आप अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखे। जैसे ही आयोग की तरफ से कोई नयी सुचना आती है आपको तुरंत इनफार्मेशन डी जाएगी।
आज की ताज़ा जानकारी ये है की हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग मार्च महीने में 15 तारीख से पहले HSSC क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर सकता है। इस भर्ती पर सिर्फ 2 केस बचे है और इनकी सुनवाई तब तक ख़तम हो जाएगी और जहा तक उम्मीद है की ये दोनों ही केस रद्द हो जायगे। अपील करने वाला पक्ष अभी तक ऐसा कोई भी ठोस सबूत पेश नहीं कर पाया जिससे ये आरोप सही साबित हो सके। अब आयोग सिर्फ अंतिम फैसला आने की इन्तजार कर रहा है। इसके जारी होने के अगले ही दिन आयोग हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल रिजल्ट अपलोड कर देगा।
सभी कैंडिडेट को इंटरव्यू में शामिल हुए है उन सभी को निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपने कटऑफ मार्क्स देख लेने चाहिए। हम आप सभी को ये बता देना चाहते है की हमने यहाँ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के कटऑफ मार्क्स दिए है। पिछली पूरी हुई भर्तियों को देखते हुए इंटरव्यू की कटऑफ ….20+ रहने की पूरी उम्मीद है। इसलिए हरियाणा क्लर्क फाइनल कटऑफ उसी हिसाब से अनुमान लगा ले।
Also Read (ये भी जरूर पढ़े) | |
1. | Haryana Conductor Result |
2. | Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks (Official) |
Latest Update : हम सभी कैंडिडेट को ये सुचना देना चाहते यही की हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन ने क्लर्क भर्ती कटऑफ बदल दी है। जैसे की हरियाणा क्लर्क जनरल कटऑफ 152 से घटा कर 150 कर दी गयी है। बाकि कैटगरी के मार्क्स भी बदली हुए है। आप निचे दी गयी टेबल से अपनी कैटगरी के अनुसार नयी कटऑफ देख सकते है। ये कटऑफ सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा के लिए है। फाइनल मेरिट लिस्ट /कटऑफ लिस्ट इंटरव्यू स्टेज के नंबर जोड़ कर तैयार की जाएगी।
HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks (Official)-Updated Now |
Name of Category | Minimum Cutoff Marks |
General | Check Here |
BC A | Check Here |
SC | Check Here |
BC B | Check Here |
EBPGC | Check Here |
ESM Gen | Check Here |
ESM SC | Check Here |
ESM BCA | Check Here |
ESM BCB | Check Here |
OSP Gen | Check Here |
OSP SC | Check Here |
OSP BCA | Check Here |
OSP BCB | Check Here |
OH | Check Here |
HH | Check Here |
VH | Check Here |
Note:- SBC Category पर कोर्ट की तरफ से रोक लगा दी गयी है इसलिए इसकी अलग से मेरिट लिस्ट आने की संभावना बहुत कम है। लेकिन कोर्ट ने अभी आखरी फैसला नहीं सुनाया है। फाइनल judgement के अनुसार मेरिट पर विचार किया जायगा।
Also Read: Download HSSC Clerk Final Result PDF
Must Read: HSSC Forester Admit Card – Rescheduled
जरुरी सूचना: Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date (Official)
Also Read: HSSC Conductor Result
Download HSSC क्लर्क Official Answer Key PDF
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
- HSSC Clerk Result Declared on ………………
- HSSC क्लर्क रिजल्ट पर हाईकोर्ट ने लगायी रोक, आयोग से माँगा जवाब ।
- 3 महीने और करना होगा रिजल्ट के लिए इन्तजार ।
- हरियाणा क्लर्क पेपर लीक मामले की अगली सुनवाई की तारीख …………..।
- उसके बाद कोर्ट सुनाएगा आखिरी फैसला । पूरी खबर और जानकारी नीचे पढ़े।
HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा प्रक्रिया में थोड़ा बदलवा हो सकता है।
हाल ही में हुई दूसरी भर्ती की इंटरव्यू प्रक्रिया में वेकैंसी से दोगुना की जगह चार गुना कैंडिडेट्स को बुलाया गया। HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा में Total ……… Vacancy है। अगर ऐसा क्लर्क भर्ती प्रक्रिया में भी हुआ तो लगभग 25 हज़ार कैंडिडेट क्लर्क परीक्षा पास घोषित किये जायगे।
हरियाणा HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती Exam में चपरासियों तक से सेटिंग थी…सभी एग्जाम सेन्टर/जिलो में…..सिर्फ भिवानी Exam Center में सेटिंग नहीं हो पायी…और वहाँ आरोपी पकड़ा गया…आपको क्या लगता है सिर्फ 1 कोचिंग अकैडमी और JBT टीचर ने इतनी बड़ी सेटिंग की????पहले जांच में ये बात सामने आयी थी की 20 कैंडिडेट इसमें शामिल है और अभी तक सिर्फ 7 आरोपी मिले है पुलिस को!!!!!!
अरे बाकि आरोपियों को अगली सर्दियों में गिरफ्तार करोगे क्या??? या ये HSSC क्लर्क भर्ती भी बीच में लटकाने का इरादा है???
Latest News on HSSC Clerk Exam Cancel on Facebook Group –Haryana Govt Jobs
HSSC क्लर्क परीक्षा हो सकती है रद्द –Read Full News
Download HSSC Clerk Answer Key (Morning / Evening Shift)
How to download HSSC Clerk (Official) Cutoff Marks
- Go to official commission website.
- Here go to latest news/updates section.
- You also get Public Notice section on main page.
- Here you have to search for HSSC Clerk exam qualifying Marks.
- Find and download exact pdf file.
- Hence you will get category wise cutoff marks of …………. HSSC Clerk Exam.
हरियाणा क्लर्क भर्ती परीक्षा से जुड़ी ताज़ा जानकारी पाने के लिए फेसबुक ग्रुप ज्वाइन करे===>>Haryana Govt Jobs
Important Note: A lot of candidates want to know about Haryana Clerk Joining Date. we have updated this news also. You can check previous update for official news & date on this topic. More update such as Haryana Clerk Salary is also updated. You will be able to check by your self, how much income you will get after joining.
What Are HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks?
Cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates need to achieve in order to qualify for the next stages of the recruitment process. The HSSC releases these marks after the examination, which helps in creating a fair assessment environment. Factors that influence cutoff marks include the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies available, and the overall performance of candidates.
Haryana Clerk Cutoff Marks (…………. Exam)
Number of candidates appeared in written examination, their individual performance, paper’s toughness level etc. will decide final Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks 2025. There will be only one type of cutoff marks i.e. category wise. There will not be any shift/date wise HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks.
You will just have to score more than avg. of all the shifts. You must clear HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks as per your category. Only then you will be declared qualified in written examination. Candidates having any question regarding qualifying marks of Haryana clerk exam can ask in comment box.
Haryana HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Exam Cutoff Marks 2025 – HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks-HSSC Clerk General, SC,BC,PH Cutoff Marks– HSSC Clerk Cutoff Marks – HSSC Clerk Qualifying Marks
Sir mere bcb main 146 marks hai kya mera exam clear hai
Sir mere 138 no bante hai general catogary ky rhega sir
sir plz tell me ebpgc cutoff i am belong to this cat.
there will be only 60 marks qualify there is not many candi.dear dont worry
Kya app bta sakte ho ebpg pr stay to ni h koi kya
Sir mere 140 marks h general and belongs to other state interview ka Koi chance
Sir plz tell me sc ki cut off kitni ka sakti h
Cut off must be above 120.because candidates were praparing exam from many years.
My Score is 132 in General Category. What are my Chances please reply
Very high chances of clearing written exam
Nhi aapka koi chance nhi he
sir sc cat hai 136 no hai kya ho sakta hai.
Kya app bta sakte ho ebpg pr stay to ni h koi kya
gen category 134 kya chance ho sakta h ….reply please…?????
General cat. ke cut of list kitni ja sakthi ha
Sir mere ebpg m 90 marks h total. Kya koi chance h
Sir mere 136mark h SC Cate. Kya chance h
Tuje to ambedkar b ni rok sakta .tentn na le tu
Sir isme post badh chuki h 5400+ ho gayi h to kya ye cut off usi k base par h ya 4461 par hi or ex servicemen ki laga kar 6125 h
Yes…Now number of posts is 6126
sir apke hisab se morning paper hard tha ya evening
Sir I got 158 in gen is there any chances
no chance kum s kum 100 marks or jayada s jyada 130 marks hone chahiye. aapke bhut jayada no h isliye aapka nhi ho skta sorry….
Sir ebpg ab cancel hua h .pehle vali sari barti hoyegi ebpg se jaise police ya j.e vgarah SB m ebpg vale select ho rhe h
sir ye cutt off interview ke laga kar hai ya uske bina please sir batao
without interview
sir final cut off out of 225 gen ki max kya ja skti hai agar paper ka level(in coming papers) same yahi raha to
plz reply
We will update that on 11th December after completion of all shifts exam
sir mere 84 no hai ser paper hard tha sir mera ho sskta hai kiya sir mai Rajput Muslim hon
142marks in gen cat koi chance h
101% Clear
Sir I got 158 mks in gen category is there any chnce for interview
Yes full chances… Get ready for interview
sir mere 130 h koi chance h kya general
Dear…YOU are on Boundary Line
Sir mere 130 mark h SC Cate. Kya chance h
Sir haryana police m to general or ebpg m krib doguna antar tha kya isme b hoga jaise general ki cutt off 43 p gyi thi or ebpg ki 21.4 tell me sir
Bhai ebpg band ho gyi
sir mere 160 no. hai Bcb me kitne chance hai mere select hone ke
You will Qualify for Interview…No Doubt
sir plz tell cut off me 2 times bulaye jayege ya 3 times.
plz reply
2 Time of No. of Posts i.e. 6126
Sir sc me 120 h
Sir mere 45 question right h .M OBC m hu kia mera number aa sakta h
Yes…u will get interview call letter
SIr interview ki preparation ke liye kya kare??kya weightage hai interview ka??
25 Marks…
Tell na sir
I hv 130marks what are my chance.in general
sir sc ke kitne candidate hai. jo clerk ka exam de rahe hai
Sir haryana police constable or j.e ke exam me ebpg ki cut off alag gyi h to shayad isme bhi aisa hi hota hoga
I have scored 132 Marks in General Category. What are my chances for Interview and Final Selection
Sir ebpg li cut off kitne tk jayegi
Sir me sc exservice man depended se hu to cut off kitne ℅ take lagegi
My score is 120 from SC category…..
is there any chance for interview call…
You are almost on boundary Line…Hope for the best…(y)
my score is ou150 in general category from other state. i think cut off 140-145 ke around hogi general ki. jinka 140-145 hai vo interview ki taiyari karein best of luck to all candidates.
sir mere 156 no. bante hai Bcb me kitne chance bante hai
You are safe…prepare for Interview
sir mere 156 marks hai bcb category me kitne chance bante hai
Sir mere 124 bante hai bc A cat any chance
maine total 134 number ka right banaya hai cat-gen kya mera resukt hai
Sir i got 110. Marks and i belonged to bcA pls tell me its enough marks which aim select
Sir mere 130 marks hain sc category main kya mera no pad sakta hain plz reply sir
Sir I score 152 in gen. Any chance
My score is around 140 ,is it possibly to face interview
cutoff approx 135marks to 140marks ke bhich me hoga gen cat ka.
Sir me rajasthan state se hu mere 140 marks aa rahe h can I select for interview
Sir mere obc main 146 ban the hai kya mera exam clear hai
sir mere 136 hai sc cat mein to kitna chance hai interview mein jaane ka. pls give answer
Sir ebpgc ki cut off kya rhegi clerk ki
sir muje bcb se widow me change krwana h.koi process h kya
sir secured 140 marks BCB CATEGORY WHAT my chances ?
Sir mere 148 mark aa raha hai.aur mai other state SE hu. Kya mera result hoga.please tell me
Sir mera 148 mark aa raha hai.mai other state SE hu .kya result possible hai.please tell me.
Sir mera 148 marks aa raha hai .other state SE hu. Kya result possible hai .please tell me.
Sir I got 154 number general cat kya seclation ho sakta h sir please batna
Please answer
Sir i got 134 marks expected cuttoff
Sir i got 134 in obc category
What will be abt my cuttoff
Sir I got 70 question right in general belongs to other state can I select for interview please answer
Sir general cat 154 number h kya seclation ho sakta please sir batana
154 is safe score… Start interview preparation
Sir mere 154 number bante h general cat h kya seclation ho jayega
i think general will be around 118-124 because most candidates are giving this exam in fun.And the government will select around thrice the number of vacancies.
Govt will call twice the no. Of vacancies for interview
Sir you are wrong govt will call thrice no of students of total vaccines
Sir 128 from gen category what are chances
sir aapne ye cutoff kese lga rkhi h
sir ya to 114 lgegi cut off 113 kese lgegi cut off sc ki sare question 2 marks ke the sir
Type mistake…we will correct it
Thanks for reminding
sir mere 120 marks bn rhe h sc category m interview tk pahuch skta hu kya
Sir I got 140 marks general category out of haryana candidate..## what chance for my selection
Sir i got 140+ score bilong to BCB category..have any chance for interview??
I am a EBPG Category Total marks are 105 What are my Chances.Please reply
EBPG cutoff will remain same as general… So sorry dear you have less chances
Sir any extra mark of dependant ex -service man
Sir I am a EBPG Category Total marks are 105 What are my Chances.Please reply
sir mere 80 marks h or sc se belong karta hu then ,am i clear or not?
Very less chances…
sir i score 80 marks and belong to sc categry kindly tell me am i clear in this exam or not?
Mere marks 110 H m.sc me.kya chance h sir
114 marks ha. i am dependent of ex-service man and obc .mera ho skta ha.please tell me
Sir 114 marks ha. I am dependant ex-service man and obc . Please tell me mera ho skta ha
You are on boundary line…50-50% chances
Sir i got 136 marks in obc. Mey interview mey jaa sakti hun kya
Yes…start preparing for interview
I hv got 140…category is obc…any chance??? Plz cnfrm me sir
Interview ke liye kese prepare Kare.. material provide karo sir
Sir mere 124 no. h BCB category me, .aapke hisaab se kitne chance h?? Shi shi btana
Sir I got 124 marks and my category is BCB . Sir kitne chance h mere qualifying ke??
sir mere 136 hai sc cat hai kitna chance hai interview ka.
Sir mere 124 number hai bc-a cat m mera number aa sakta hai
88 marks h to bhai ias ki tyari kar .time waste clerk me kyo kar rha h
bhai 88 marks h to ias ki tyari kar . time kyu waste kar rha h clerk m.
morning me h ya evening me?
what is mean of weightge of marks 75% of maths rsining etc and 25 % of gk hyrana related questions
Sir, 88 marks hai ,SC category m, much ho skta h
sir aur sc kekitne candidate hai jinka score 100 se low hai.
sir sc ke kitne candidate hai jo hssc clerk ka exam de rahe hai.
Sir I got 100 marks in obc.. What willl happen now?
You will selected . It will depend on luck
Sir I am a General Category Total marks are 122 What are my Chances.
Please reply
sir mere 83 question right hai gen. category
kya chance hai plz .
tell me which paper is hard morning or evening.
i think final cut off 150+20=170 se upar nhi jayegi.
give your view about final cut off.
Dear you will get interview call… For sure
Sir mere max 110h m sc me hu or last time cut of110-120thi sc ki kya mere chance h
Your selection is sure. ..
Mere 124 marks hai sc kya interview tak ja sakta hu
Sir mere 142 gen h.. koi chance h
Sir mere 130marks h bc-b cat. Koi chance h kya qualify ka
glt baat h… gen ke liye hi cut off kyun…
study level to mind pr depend krta h.. na cast pr…
nd 2 thing jb watch allowed nhi h to km se km room m jo watch hoti h… use ryt tym pr rkhna chahiye… aap sb ki mistake ke karn mera paper rh gya around and 15 Q
You should raise objection at that time….now nothing can be done.
Sir mere ge m 130 h bt rajasthan s hu …ho skta h kya plz tell me
Galat baat h ye to sach me
148 marks bc a any chance finel selection
Don’t worry, preparing for the next exam without any problem
Sir I am getting 154 and i lie in general category
Clerical exame main phle cut off kitna gyi hai osp category ki.kya mere slect hone k chance hain
67 no. gen cat. cut off before clerk exam
BCA DESM ki cut of kitne ja Sakti hai mere 76 marks hai
Sorry dear…. You scored very less
Sir i attempted 83 questions correct nd bcb cat…. Kya chance h.. Pl reply
Koi andaza hai kitna jaegi
lambi jayegi
Sir BCA DESM category me cut off Kya ho ge
Sir please reply karna.
General category main
140 marks general category
Included all dates exam
Mr Boora…you scored well…Now wait for Interview List
Sir outstanding sports person ki cut off kitna ja sakti hai mere 118 marks bante hain.
It depends on number of sports category candidates
Koi andaza. Kitna ja sakti hai. I m a national goldmedilist.
115-125 marks(Expected)… Exact cutoff will depend on no. Of sports candidates appearing in next 4 shifts
Sir I am BC b candidate how much cutt off will go for this and vacancy for this how many are there
Gen. Sports person 134 marks …kya ho sakta h
sir apka idea sai kitna student hain osp mai
I hope cut off 135-140 jayegi gen ki
Next shifts of paper will decide cutoff goes high or low….avg cutoff of all shifts will be fixed as final
Shi shi btana.aapke hisaab se BCB category ki kitni jayegi?
Sir I got 140 marks in general category in evening session. What are my chances of getting selected ?
50-50 h bhai
Sir I got 140 marks in general category. What are my chances of getting selected ?
Sir BCA DESM category mein city off Kya ho ge
eligibility certificate upload kari this kya form bharte time
Sir buraa mt mannna but ye cutt off ekdm wrong h
Kyunki mosty sbhi coaching lene walo ke nmbr mrng ppr me 70 se upr thik h and evng wale me 63 se upr h sbke
And my cousin ke bhi 70 h mrng wale me
Gerenal cat. Se h
sir g mere 84 right questions h or SC cat kya umid h
U already selected…congrats
Sir i have almost 75 right que. I m from sc. how much chance for me
Sir please tell the the chance of 75 correct ans. For sc
Sure u are selected because of sc
Are 84 marks hh ya question
I m getting a total of 168 marks, general category.
Prepare for Interview
I got 130 marks with general catogery of outer Delhi how much chances
Hopefully you are going to get interview call
Sir mere 154 marks h general m koi chance h interview ke liye
Sir m BCA n mere 88 marks h kya koi chance h pls btana sir.there is anychance for interview
No chance
Haan ji
same i also got 130 marks and outer delhi
Sir I think it goes more high cut off marks…
sir morning ka eam easytha evening ka muski tha clerk ka kya dono ki cutt off marks alag alag lgegi ya ek hi please tell me
We have updated expected cutoff marks
Sir I got 100 marks in obc.. What willl happen now?
no chance because obc cut off will be going150 above
Are Bhai nhi max to max general ki city of 140 Jaye gye ……..
Are tu ja n tn ghnta ka bera h
Ha tu tension mt le ..tra pakka selection h.ye anil to sala isk do maru mmm..hai m chj yo
Sor aapko kuch ni pta h.phli baat to negative marking nai h dusri baat megative marking consider ki jae .to cut off jo aap bta rae h usme bht dffrnce ajata h…
Vikas, Read Highlighted Lines carefully
Respected sir plz tell me cutt off for general cat i scored 146
sir pls response my mail
Dono ka level ek jesa hi tha
Morning ka hard tha
There will a common cutoff(Avg of all Shifts)
Sir mere gen m 132 h
Kya umeed h sir ?
Sir mere total 156 no. H gen me koi chance h
Bhai agr aap k 156 h to play ho Jaye ga
160 gen ..ho jayega kya. ?
pkka bhai