Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card
Are you eagerly awaiting the Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card for 2025? If you’ve been preparing for this highly anticipated exam, you must be well aware of the importance of the admit card. It’s the gateway to your examination center, and without it, you won’t be allowed to sit for the test. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about the Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card 2025 – from downloading the card to important details you shouldn’t miss.
Candidates those have submitted online forms successfully were waiting for Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card. Your wait will come to end on ………… Haryana staff selection commission will upload HSSC Social Education & Panchayat Officer Admit Card one week before exam date. Commission has already announced Haryana Panchayat Officer Exam Date. You can same in below section. Written exam will be held on below given centers. Commission will upload Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card on ………. on its official website.
We have given some important information about written exam in the upcoming section of this article. You should focus on written exam preparation. There is very short time left in exam date. We will give you a direct web link by which you can download Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card easily. So be in touch with us. We will also give you some practice sets for your better preparation. Candidates should try visiting official link after ……….. Commission will open call letter download link only after ……….
Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card Download
Those candidates who have successfully registered for this vacancy were waiting for exam date form very long time. Now commission has announced when they will conduct test and when will release HSSC Panchayat Officer Admit Card. State staff selection commission earlier did not make any statement about the releasing date the admit card.
All of a sudden they released exam news on ………. and Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card 2025 releasing date on the official website. We will remind you some important dates about Haryana Social Education & Panchayat Officer Exam in next section. Commission will provide HSSC Panchayat Officer Call Letter download link on below given date only.
Event Name | Date |
Admit Card Download | |
Admit Card Status | एडमिट कार्ड आ गए है |
Admit Card Download | Available now |
Written Exam Date | |
Exam Mode | Offline OMR Based |
Answer Key | |
Written Result/Merit List |
Haryana Panchayat Officer Syllabus & Exam Notice
Staff selection commission had released the notification for below given posts of HSSC Social Education & Panchayat Officer. Category wise posts are also mentioned in official notice. You should check Haryana Panchayat Officer Syllabus for better score. Commission has given exam pattern in below notice. You should plan study as per this plan only.
We will also provide you sample paper according to Haryana Panchayat Officer Exam Syllabus soon. It should be in the knowledge of candidates that the no. of posts distribution is according to concerned authority of HSSC. They can increase or decrease the no. of posts at any stage.
Haryana Panchayat Officer Vacancy 2025
- Notification / Advt No.:
- Name of Post: Social Education and Panchayat Officer
- No. of Posts:
- Pay Scale: 9300 -34800
- Exam Date:
- No. of Shifts: Two (Morning & Evening)
- Mode of Exam: Offline OMR Based
- Exam Center: कुरुक्षेत्र,करनाल, पानीपत ,यमुना नगर,पंचकूला और अम्बाला
HSSC Steno 13, 14 July Exam Cancelled- Read Official Notice
How to download the Haryana Social Panchayat Officer Admit Card?
The staff selection commission will release the Haryana Social Panchayat Officer Admit Card only in online mode. So you should know the procedure to download it. Some easy steps to download Social & Panchayat Officer Admit Card are given below.
- Visit official website of SSC i.e. www.hssc.gov.in
- Open the HSSC Panchayat Officer Admit Card web link.
- Fill required information like registration no., Password/DOB etc. in the given indexes.
- Now your call letter will be shown on the screen.
- Download it and take one print out.
- Keep one copy of printout with you for the further use.
Download HSSC Panchayat Officer Admit Card 2025
Latest News (……….):हरियाणा पंचायत अफसर एडमिट कार्ड आ गए है…लॉगिन ID और पासवर्ड भर कर डाउनलोड कर ले।
हरियाणा पंचायत अफसर एग्जाम जरुरी निर्देश:-
- एडमिट कार्ड पर अपना पासपोर्ट साइज रंगीन फोटो लगाना है।
- एडमिट कार्ड को अटेस्ट करवाना ना भूले।
- पेपर OMR शीट पर होगा।
- कैंडिडेट को 3 OMR शीट मीलेगी…जिसमे से एक वो अपने साथ लेकर जा सकते है।
- कैंडिडेट को पेन भी एग्जाम सेंटर में कमीशन द्वारा दिया जायगा
- अपने साथ अपना Original ID proof लाना न भूले।
Update: (Time 2 :56 pm ……..) हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग की वेबसाइट अभी Open हो रही है । लेकिन कमीशन लेटलतीफी की हद्द पार कर रहा है…एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड लिंक अभी तक भी अपडेट नहीं किया गया । आयोग के अब तक एडमिट कार्ड जारी ना करने के असली वजह का तो पता नहीं लेकिन इसमें एक अच्छी बात भी है। इस चीज़ से पढ़ने वाले कैंडिडेट को बहुत फायदा होगा क्योकि बहुत से ऐसे लोग भी है जो ….एडमिट कार्ड और एग्जाम सेंटर का जल्दी पता चलने पर स्टाफ या कही और से नक़ल की सेटिंग कर लेते है …….पेपर से सिर्फ 2-4 दिन पहले एडमिट कार्ड आने पर ये सिस्टम बिल्कुल खत्म हो जायेगा। जैसे ही आयोग की तरफ से कुछ अपडेट आती है..यहाँ सूचना जारी कर दी जायगी। हम लगातार नजर बनाये हुए है।
Note: लिखित परीक्षा सिर्फ इन Examination सेंटर पर होगी।
Examination Centers: Kurukshetra,Karnal, Panipat ,Yamuna Nager,Panchkula and Ambala
जरुरी सूचना:- HSSC की वेबसाइट ओपन नहीं हो रही है अगर कभी ओपन हो रही है तो बीच में Error का मेसेज आ रहा है Screen पर। ऐसा सर्वर पर ज्यादा User एक साथ आने की वजह से है। लेकिन एडमिट कार्ड अभी तक नहीं अपलोड किये गए है। HSSC वेबसाइट सर्वर में दिक्कत की वजह से एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड लिंक आने में देर हो रही है। कुछ समय बाद दोबारा कोशिश करे।
Download Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card
Download हरियाणा पंचायत अफसर एडमिट कार्ड – Exam (आज शाम को एडमिट कार्ड आ जायगे)
हरियाणा जूनियर /सीनियर स्टेनो एडमिट कार्ड
Download HSSC Taxation Inspector Syllabus
Haryana Food Supply Inspector Admit Card, Syllabus
Download हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव सिलेबस, Exam Pattern
Haryana Patwari Admit Card Download
Download Haryana Patwari Exam Syllabus
If you Forget you Login ID or Password??
अगर आप अपना यूजर ID और पासवर्ड भूल गए है है तो भी चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं है। आप नीचे दिए लॉगिन सेक्शन में जाइये। वह लॉगिन बॉक्स के नीचे दिए Forget Password बटन को दबाइये। वह अपन रजिस्टर्ड फ़ोन नंबर भरे। 5 से 10 मिनट में आपके फ़ोन पर User ID और पासवर्ड का मैसेज आ जायगा। हरियाणा पंचायत अधिकारी एडमिट कार्ड आज अपलोड होने की उम्मीद है। धन्यवाद।
Note: अगर किसी भाई या बहिन को हरियाणा पंचायत अफसर पेपर से जुडी कोई शंका या सवाल पूछना है तो कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखे।
HSSC Panchayat Officer Number of Posts
Name of Category | No of Posts |
gen | |
SC | |
BCA | |
BCB | |
SBC | |
EBPG | |
ESM-Gen | |
ESM-SC | |
OSP-SC | |
OH | |
Total |
Note: ऊपर दिया गया कैटगरी वाइज बटवारा पुराने नोटिस के हिसाब से है…SBC और EBPG कैटगरी पर आखरी फैसले के बाद ही निर्णय होगा।
Haryana Social & Panchayat Officer Admit Card 2025 [email protected]
The staff selection commission will upload the Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card on official website of HSSC in upcoming days. You have to visit the official website regularly for more updates. We will give you a direct link to download HSSC Social & Panchayat Officer Call Letter. We have given you the total no. of post distribution according to region. So keep in mind that post distribution and prepare yourself for the better result.
You can easily download Haryana Panchayat Officer Admit Card 2025 by above given steps in this article. Candidates are advised to keep their admit card safe till the completion of recruitment process. You may be asked to show this admit card at the time of interview or document verification. All other such instructions related to exam will be given along with admit card. If you have any question in your mind, text it in the below given comment box.
Panchayat officer ka exam kab h
Sir Assistant food & supply officer as dmit card kab take aayege please send me answer
My score only 120 any chance
Sir y assistant revenue clerk ka paper kab hoga
In Sepo my marks are approx 138…any chance for selection? Can u gv some idea about the expected cut off???
Its very good score….we will updated Cutoff very soon
sir answer key kab tak social education officer
Cutoff??? Any idea?
Do good have good
Sir Grid substation operator wale post se court stay hata ya nhi..
Sir Grid substation operator wale post se court stay hata ya nhi
Sir, photo jo upload kia tha form fill krne k tym ab admit card pr vo hi lgani h y phir ab ki recent photo
Agar Same h toh same…otherwise koi bhi coloured photo chalega
Sir panchyat officer admit card not downloading yet.all details I’d,password show wrong details.pls.help me give any solutions
Sir mera admit card download nai ho raha panchayt officer ka plz help m registration no 300201635
Sir i lost my registration number and password
And the phone number is also not in use from last 1 year so smbdy take new same number 7027153350 ,
Now pls tell how to get registration no. And password
As soon as pls reply
Atul manchanda
You go to forget password link and enter old number
Then call that person…who is having this number at present to share User Id & Password…Thats easy way
Otherwise you have to go to HSSC office
Sir admit to aa nahi raha h
Kya preshani aa rhi hai?
Exam centre shown in admit card is GOVT MODEL SEN SEC SCHOOL G T ROAD PANIPAT but there is no such school in panipat , however this school is in samalkha 18 km from panipat exam centre no 263, how to confirm.
Reach early and crosscheck….you will get exam center code on Entry Gate
Thanks for advice,
but hssc should mention proper address.
My Dear Friend..To Do List that ….HSSC should follow is very long….
But you know the system…how it works….so can’t expect them to improve
Do you have any idea about total no of candidates
Ha……..Have. ..
admit card download nahi ho raha profile incomplete dika raha hai par bank mein fee challan deposite ho chuka hai.kyoi tarika hai admit card layne ka.
आप हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन में अपने सभी डॉक्यूमेंट लेकर जाइये…वही इस समस्या का समाधान हो सकता है।
Admit cards have been uploaded.
Admit cards for panchayat officers is now available on individuals login ids…
All the best guys..
Admit card has come do check official website
admit card upload ho gye friends
Finally Panchayat officer admit card are available
Yeyyy…. Finally!! Guys now you can Download your admit card … Thank you hssc 🙂