हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड – HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card – HSSC ग्राम सचिव एग्जाम डेट 2025 – Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card – Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date
Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025
If you’re preparing for the Haryana Gram Sachiv 2025 exam, the first step is to get your admit card. It’s your ticket to entering the examination hall, and understanding the ins and outs of the process is crucial to avoid last-minute stress. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about the Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025—from how to download it, to important details it contains, and common troubleshooting tips. Whether you’re a first-time applicant or a seasoned exam-taker, this article is here to ensure your exam journey is as smooth as possible.
Candidates will get Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card after …………… All aspirants just want to know when Board will announce HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Date. Now HSSC has finally decided to conduct written exam for Haryana Gram Sachiv Vacancy 2025. You have to print Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card (हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव एडमिट कार्ड) for attending this written examination. HSSC recently conducted Deputy Ranger & Panchayat officer exam in online mode.
But Commission will conduct this exam in offline mode only. The reason is obvious. Number of candidates going to appear in Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam is too large. Its not possible to conduct it in online mode. There is possibility that commission will conduct this exam in next year. Expected date is Jan & Feb month. But if you want to know exact date, you have to check this page on regular basis.
There are total ……… Posts of Gram Sachiv in state of Haryana. Expected HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Date is last Sunday of August month. Board has announced that HSSC will conduct …………. Haryana Clerk Exam in 2025 & ……… Gram Sachiv Exam in year 2025 only. We advise you to continue your practice with below given syllabus. We will also provide direct link to download Haryana Patwari admit card. There is high possibility that both exam will be held in same month. At present no official news is there on exam date. Commission will complete this bharti before the end of 2025. Hence we can expect to Haryana Gram Sachiv written in March & April month.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025-हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव एडमिट कार्ड
हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव भर्ती 2025 की लिखित परीक्षा March/April महीने में आयोजित की जायगी। हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन ने सूचना जारी की है की हरियाणा में ……… ग्राम सचिव पोस्ट जल्द से जल्द भरी जायगी। written एग्जाम आयोजित करने की सारी तैयारियां पूरी कर ली गयी है। हरियाणा स्थापना दिवस के बाद आधिकारिक तौर पर इसकी घोषणा भी करदी जायगी। किसी कैंडिडेट को अगर Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card डाउनलोड करने में किसी तरह की मुश्किल आ रही है तो वो कमेंट बॉक्स में हमें बताये। हम जल्द से जल्द आपकी सहायता करेगे।
Latest Update (…………….):
Haryana Panchayat Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025
There will be many candidates those are waiting for this recruitment from long time, need to know few things about same. We have given all the details about same. You can check written exam pattern, syllabus, old papers etc. This will help you clear written exam. You have to download Haryana Panchayat Gram Sachiv Admit Card from below given link. All you have to do is fill some basic details in login section. This is same as you got during online form filling.
Haryana Gram Sachiv Hall Ticket 2025
There is recent update about notification from HSSC you all know that. Those applicants who applied through online form for this post are now waiting for Haryana Gram Sachiv Hall Ticket. We will give you all the information about exam pattern and syllabus in this very article. You will be able to download it from this website. We will provide you a direct link to Haryana gram Sachiv Hall Ticket 2025 or you can download it from the official website. Stay connected to this page if you want to get more information.
Haryana Patwari Admit Card
Commission has conducted written exam for most of recruitment going on from past 3-4 years. Most waited vacancy is still pending. Haryana canal Patwari Bharti is still waiting for written exam. But now the time has arrived when you will get Haryana Patwari Admit card for written exam. Exact official news will be out in the end of March or April month. Commission will conduct Canal Patwari paper in Jan and Feb month.
You can Print HSSC Patwari Admit Card from below mentioned official site link. There we have also given step by step process. Follow this to get it printed without any problem. If candidates want to get regular updates regarding these vacancies, they have to keep visiting our team here regularly. We will keep sharing all the latset news and updates regarding it. We are expecting that the notification regarding it will be released in the upcoming month of May 2025.
Latest News: हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव और पटवारी की परीक्षा अप्रैल महीने में होने की सम्भावना है।
Haryana Gram Sachiv-Important Details
Name of Organisation: Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Post: Gram Sachiv
Total Posts: ……….
Job Type: Permanent
Job Location: All over Haryana
Category: Admit Card
Status: Pending
Official Website: hssc.gov.in
Haryana Gram Sachive 2025 Exam Pattern
Total Questions: 100
Maximum Marks: 200
Subject | Marks |
General Awareness | 200 |
Hindi Language | |
English Language | |
Math | |
Reasoning |
Haryana Gram Sachiv Syllabus
- General Awareness/Knowledge
- Hindi
- English
- Math
- Reasoning
Haryana Gram Sachiv Full Syllabus
Read this :- इसे जरूर पढ़े ।
Admit Card of HSSC Gram Sachiv Written Exam 2025
Now candidates are already tired of waiting for written exam. Commission released this vacancy years ago. But now they want proper news. We get to know from our trustworthy source that Commission will not release Admit Card of Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam. This vacancy is pending form years. In this mean time, a lot vacancies were created. Now commission will try to fill all those backlogs in single recruitment.
Hence you may see HSSC Gram Sachiv Vacancy Revised. Now they are thinking to release new notice with increased number of posts. But as this govt is going to face election in end of 2025. Hence we may see speeding of procedure. Hence keep your preparation in active mode. Only then you will be able to clear it. we will inform you if any such official news is released by commission.
Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card Download
Haryana Gram Sachiv Written Exam will be held in March/April month. Candidates have to appear in allotted shift along with Haryana Gram Sachiv Call Letter 2025. You can get HSSC Gram Sachiv Hall Ticket printout from bottom given link. Bring your original Photo ID proof for verification. You will not be allowed to appear in test without Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card & Id proof.
Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Date: …………… (Official डेट Sepमहीने में आने की उम्मीद)
Download Admit Card of Gram Sachiv: 15 Days earlier to Written Date
Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam 2025
A lot of candidates want to know when commission will release written exam date. We got information from a source that Haryana Karamchari Chayan Aayog will cancel this current recruitment. There will be addition of new posts in it. Then commission will release a new vacancy notice with increased number of posts. Still if you commission don’t do so, they will release Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card.
It will be available on official website just one week before the start of written test. You have to keep your user id & password near you to open your account on commission’s website. Then you can appear in written exam of Haryana Gram sachiv. Candidates must check all the details printed on Haryana Panchayat Secretary Admit Card. You also have to bring one original Photo ID proof along this hall ticket. It will be checked at the time of entry and during written examination.
हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव परीक्षा से जुडी जानकारी
- ऑफलाइन होगी परीक्षा ।
- सुबह और शाम ….2 शिफ्ट में होगी लिखित परीक्षा ।
- कैंडिडेट की संख्या ज्यादा है इसलिए एक हफ्ते चल सकती है परीक्षा ।
- परीक्षा की official आंसर Key सभी शिफ्ट के पेपर पूरे होने के 2 दिन बाद आयोग की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दी जायगी ।
- परीक्षा का रिजल्ट कम से काम 4 महीने बाद घोषित किया जायगा ।
- बायोमैट्रिक हाज़िरी से अटेंडेंस होगी।
- हर परीक्षा केंद्र की वीडियोग्राफी की जायगी ताकि किसी घपले की स्तिथि में निष्पक्ष जांच हो सके।
How to Download Admit Card of Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam 2025
- Go to official website of HSSC Gram Sachiv Recruitment.
- Here go to candidate login section.
- Enter your online application no. & Password.
- Press submit button to open your account.
- Here download Call Letter of Haryana Gram Sachiv from left hand side.
- Take printout and come for written exam along with this Gram Sachiv Hall Ticket.
- Keep it safe after written examination.
Download Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025
Download हरियाणा पंचायत अफसर एडमिट कार्ड – Exam
Haryana Food Supply Inspector Admit Card, Syllabus (…….. Exam)
Download HSSC Taxation Inspector Syllabus (……… Exam)
हरियाणा जूनियर /सीनियर स्टेनो 13, 14 July Exam Cancelled (Breaking News)
हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव सिलेबस, Exam Pattern
Haryana Patwari Admit Card Download
Download Haryana Patwari Exam Syllabus
जरुरी सूचना: हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव एग्जाम ऑफलाइन (Offline) होगा। कैंडिडेट्स को 3 OMR शीट दी जायगी। पेपर में सभी सवाल MCQ फॉर्मेट में होंगे। ग्राम सचिव पेपर में हरियाणा GK सेक्शन सबसे मह्त्वपूर्ण है । टॉपिक wise सिलेबस नीचे से डाउनलोड करे और उसी हिसाब से अपनी तयारी रखे।
What to do If you forget you User ID & Password???
अगर आपने अपनी यूजर ID और पासवर्ड गुम कर दिया है तो चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं है। आपको वो वापिस मिल सकता है। आप एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड लिंक पर जाये। वहां Forget Password लिंक पर जाये। आपको वह 2 option मिलेंगे। एक यूजर ID /Application फॉर्म नंबर और दूसरा फ़ोन नंबर। इनमे से जो भी आपके पास हो वो भरे और सबमिट करदे। आपको अपने फ़ोन नंबर पर अपना यूजर ID और Password मिल जायगा। मेसज आने में थोड़ा समय लग सकता है इसलिए थोड़ा इन्तजार करे ।
Haryana Gram Sachiv Written Admit Card 2025
As the written examination is coming close all the applicants are now worried about Haryana Gram Sachiv Written Admit Card. This is very important thing for the exam without admit card you can’t participate in written examination. We have gathered information that there is no update till now for the Haryana Gram Sachiv Written Admit Card 2025. If there are any changes made by Haryana Police Recruitment we will keep you posted. Hall Ticket has information about you and your examination date and center so when you get it please check it. We have explained you every single step about downloading Admit Card so that you can easily download it.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2025
From very long time, more than 12 Lakhs young candidates are waiting for Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card. They want to know HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Date. Due to ongoing various other recruitments, HSSC has not uploaded Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card yet. But as per latest news Haryana staff selection commission will upload HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card in November month. Hence board has made all arrangements to upload Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card (हरियाणा ग्राम सचिव एडमिट कार्ड) on its official website.
Board will conduct written exam for ……… Gram Sachiv Posts in December or Jan month. Candidates can download HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card from above given link. We have also given direct link to download Haryana Patwari admit Card. Follow the process to get it printed. If you find any error, then try after some time. You will be able to get HSSC Patwari Admit Card, just one week earlier to the exam date. We are getting news that this vacancy will be readvertised now. So the candidates have to fill the new application form. Then, the recruitment board will announce the new exam date. We will let you know about it as soon as an notification regarding it will be released.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Call Letter Download @hssc.gov.in – Admit Card of Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam 2025.
Sir please tell me, meri Login ID Gum Ho Gayi Hai to Admit Card Kese Download Hoga, Please reply me.
go to forget password section…enter you phone number
When the admit card is released please tell me
……. I am filled many posts for Haryana government jobs but I can’t get any message for the exam ….. Please give some notifications on to the mobile number plsssssss.its easy to know the information about exam….plsssssss
Sir ye admit card kb se niklege
Kanal patvari
7/2015 food supply Sub Inspector ka bi 23 ko exam h keya sir Ji
Ek inspector ki post thi dusri Sub inspector ki
Dono ka 23 ko exam h keya
सर ,
जो ग्राम सचिव और कैनाल पटवारी की एग्जाम डेट डाली है (16 – 23 जुलाई ) और 05 जुलाई से एडमिट कार्ड निकल रहे है क्या ये न्यूज सही है ।
प्लीज रिप्लाई फ़ास्ट ।
वो पंचायत अफसर और फ़ूड सप्लाई इंस्पेक्टर की Exam डेट है
Haryana graam sachive exam kb se h sir
Haryana roadwayes conducted post me jankary chaya
Sir cundecter paper pattern and syllabus bej do. My email id is [email protected]
Sir pipe fitter K admit card
kab aa rha ha
Adv 7/2015 ka notice aaya h canal patwari to adv 6/2015 k under h
dear sir…
can you tell me ,, any chance for hssc gram sachiv exam till december. 2017
please reply
Esi saal hoga ye paper
Sir mere form me payment transaction failed bta rha h koi solution btao pls
आप के पास पेमेंट receipt होगी…तो चिंता की कोई बात नहीं है….उसे संभल कर रखे और HSSC से फ़ोन पर संपर्क करने की कोशिश करे।…अगर फ़ोन पर बात न बने तो HSSC ऑफिस (पंचकूला) जा कर फॉर्म में Correction करवा ले।
sir mra pass word or reg. no. kho gya h to kaise download hoga mra admit card
Hssc ki website par check kiya kro bhai abhi canal patwari or gram sachiv ki koi notification nahi aayi h.hssc.gov.in par aap check kar skte h
Sir please tall me hssc patwari and gram sachiv k exam date jo apne apne web site pr btayi hai wo confirmed hai na my gmail I’d
Vg532626@gmail. Com pe send kr dena 👴
Gram sachiv ka admit card kab aauege
Mera application farm kho gya h
Sir gopal singh post app.no.2484245 and dob.10/04/1993 Plz send info for gramsachiv admit card
Canal patwari gram Sachiv kala admites card kab aayega
REG. No. 126500825059
REG. No. 126500813416
DOB. 12.12.1982 Hari Sharma
DOB. 1.2.1981. Shiv kumar
R% Punhana. Nuh HR. K Admit Card ki& exams ki poori Jankari Pardon Karen ki kirpa kren
Patwari ke admit card kab tak ayege
Sr patwari ky admit card kb sy download honge
sir haryana gram sachiv ka paper kb hoga
My name is Munish
Mera aadhaar no 618528778381
Gram schiv post application I’d 1029419 hai
Canal ptwari post application I’d 1029387 hai
Mera mobile no 09417926999 hai
Kirpya kr k mera admit card/ roll no download
Kese hoga btaaye
Or in posts k liye exam KB honge btaaye
Aaapki bdi kirpa hogi.
Regards: Munish (094179269999)
Canal patwari or gram sachive k paper cancel ho gye h kya sir,2saal ho gye h farm bhre hue ki Abhi tk nhi aaya h paper, ya fir bs farm farm hi bahrwane hote h,
Gram sachiv aur cenal patwari k admit card kab tak aega
kab aa rha h result clerk ka
Clerk result kab open hoga
Vecancy radd ho chuki h
sir admit card abhi nahi aaya h to download kaha se kre pls tell me
Sir gram sachiv or canal patwari ka admit card kaise milega
bhai kuch pta chala btao
my phone no.9541916414
SIr gram sachiv ke exam kab se hai please tell me
sir gram sachiv ke exam kab se hai
Kab aega admit card plz tell me sir
Kis date se download ho rhe h gram sachive ke admit card
Sir HSSC Gram Sachiv ,Canal Patwari ka Exam kab tak hoga,iske Admit Card kab tak aayenge
Patwari EBPGC ki cut off kitni h
Aagya kya admit card
Sir gram Sachin ka admit card download 1bar hoga ya phle ki tarah 2 bar
sir admit card kab ayega please
Sir gram sachiv ka admit card kb aa raha h plz reply.
Tere papar ki lg rhi h mjak bna rkha h admit card vale swaal p jwab bhi na aata
Gram sachiv admit card kab take aayega 25 ke baad bol rage the
Sir admit card kab as raha ha
Sir mera registration no. Gum ho gya h ab mre admit card ki kaise PTA chlega sir mera name Rohit Kumar D.O.B. 08/08/1992 h
admit card aayege to forget admt card se pata chal jayega
Bhai login ide ma apna phone no dal da or forgate passwerd kar da tumara phone ma massage a jaya ga
sir gram sachive ke admit card kab aaege .please tell me 9466882705
i am forgat password but i can change mob. no.. login id is 200023825
sir i forget my registration id and password please help me . what should i do now ? please help me.
please let me know where is the option to download the admit card. When i logged into my account there is no option to download the admint card.
sir cgram sachive admit card kb ayege please inquary 8816888008
please inform me when i can download the admit card for gram sachive exam my phone number is +919034005007 Thank you
Sir gram sachiv ki exam date kya h .plz bttao ji
Dear sir
please ye to bta do ki humara canal patwari or gram
ka admit card kb tk ayega.
Sar ji gram ssachiv ka admit card message please my no 7289042324
Sir Meri DOB galat ho Gyi Gram sachiv k form me 1992 ki jagah 1995 ho Gyi Kya m test de sakti hu
Yes you can…but you should contact HSSC Board for correction (Before the Written Exam)
Wahan Jana padega pahle written exam se pahle
exam k bad jana pdega …. after the exam
De skte ho
Dear sir gram sachiv ke admit jab upload ho mare is no pr msg kr de no h 8398049802
Sir admit card kab aayengai please tell me I sahib mob no 9728689886
I hope.this date is right
Sir admit card kb tk ayenge hssc site pr plz sms sir8396994520
Pawari Exam Date 12/3/2017 Mai hoga. Or Admit Card 27/2/2017. Ko aa jayge
kisne bola date to ayi nahi hai abhi tak
sir admit card keb aa raha hai sir
admit card kab aa rahe h
admit card kab aa rahe h sir
Patwari exam date kab kya h plz btao
Admit card kab nikle ga sir
Sir gram sachiv and canal patwari me test ke admit card kab aayenge
Kya gram sachiv ka exam yoga bhi ya nahi
Sir gram Sachin ka test Kab Hai Jardin Karen bataye
Gram schiv k admit card kis Date
ko release hongee
plz sir
Reply too bnti h
Sir cenal patwari hall ticket kab se download kar sakte hain or written exam date kya hai plz cont.8607673216
Sir gram sachiv or patwari ki exam date kab ayagi
mera pass login id nd passwaord nhi nd na hi wo mobile no hai jis se main forget opasswaord kr ke password nikal sku ab bato is condition me main kya kru pls reply nd msg me my mobile no is :95012-28792
Visit HSSC Office in Panchkula with original Id proof & other documents like Application Form Printput
Gram sachiv cenal patwari admit card kb se download kr sakte h..my no.8901059899 plz reply me.
Date bta do gram shave ke
25 jan ko
Gram sachiv ki exam date Kab ki h
sir gram sachiv ka sylabus bta do kya kya h
kya ye exam date confirm h
sir gram sachiv and patvari ka exam kab ka h
Sir gram sachiv syllabus dall do please
Sir ji mere or user id or Password gum ho gye ab admit card
kese niklega plz sir gram sachiv ka
Mobile nmber Jo registration m h uske throw nikl jayega
Sir ji
Application or Password Nahi malum hai
fee slip hai mera pass
download kesa karu admit card
plzz tell me
mobile no. 9813621788
whatsapp id 9992004434
go to forget password link
19 or 26 Feb. 2016
Sir,gram sachiv or canal patwari ki exam date kab aayegi???
Canal patwari & gram sachiv mai bhi provisional admit card ki jarurat to nahi as like hssc clerk exam tell me please about this
Sir, i am rajbir& sir gram sachiv and canal patwari ki exam date kab tak aayegi please sir
ye date glt h abhi 24 ko exam nhi h
Exam held on 19 & 26 Feb 2017…..
sir gram sachive ki exam date kb ki hai kya syllabus aa skta hai sir or agr ab exam nahi hai to kb ho skta hai
same syllabus
sir gram sachiv ki exam date kb h? or dusre hssc exam ki date btaye plz…..
Giram schiv ke admit card kb aayege or paper kb ka he
Team schiv ke admit card kb aayege or paper kb ka he
Sir ji. Gram sachiv ke Admitcaard kab daloge ..plzz jaldi btaao…9728086688….{9728918961}..plzz call me
Sir tell me the date of gram sachiv
Then till we will prepare the exam date of gram sachiv please tell me sir
Plz please please please please please please please please please please sir pls
The conform date of gram sachiv please please please please please please please sir
Sir mera gram sachiv ka password gum ho gye ab admit card kese niklega plz helm me sir
Sir mere Password gum ho gye ab admit card kese niklega plz sir gram sachiv ka
Click on forget password link….phone number par password ka massage aa jyga
Sir i am Rinku I live in jarouli district karnal sir I want few information pleas give me some information siregarding when will be come admit card ok sir and exam date sallybus kya kya ayga and kon see book read krna thik hoga please gave me information I thankfully of you I hope and you you will give me gram sachive related information
We will update complete detailed Information next week
Sir gram sachiv ka exam kab hai
Admit card download date kya h and exam date..
Tell me
sir gram sachive ka exam 24 dec ko sure hai kya ya aage bh ho sakta hai or syllabus kya kre gram sachive k liy main ncert ki book kr rakhi hai 10th class tk kya iisse bh bahar syllabus aa sakta hi kya gk ka please tell me sir
Haryana gram sachive ka exam kb se h sir.
Pooja where are you from and exam date 16, 7, 2017 hai