Download Haryana Conductor Cutoff List
Are you eagerly waiting for the Haryana Conductor Result 2025? If so, you’re not alone! Every year, thousands of candidates apply for the position of conductor in Haryana State Transport, and it’s no surprise that the excitement around the results can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve been preparing for this exam for months or just recently applied, understanding how to check your results, the expected timeline, and what to do next is crucial.
The roadways and transport department of Haryana has released the notification for HSSC Conductor vacancy in previous month. Now state staff selection commission (government recruitment body) is going to open the release Haryana Conductor Cutoff List. As per the notification provided by the authority there are total …….. Haryana Conductor Posts.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released the Haryana Conductor Result. Then commission will call candidates for document checking. The document verification will be held from …….. 2025. You will be able to download Haryana Conductor Interview Letter, using below given process.
The commission is going to recruit candidates on above said posts via Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks (General, SC, BC, SBC, PH, ESM). Only candidates those submitted application forms successfully via online mode will get chance to appear in next stage of Haryana Conductor Vacancy 2025. We will provide you the all-important dates, number of posts, educational qualification and category wise Haryana Conductor Cutoff List in the upcoming sections of this post.
Haryana Conductor Cutoff List 2025
Candidates those filled online form want to know more about recruitment process. There is no written exam in this Haryana Roadways bharti. Candidates will be shortlisted for interview/skill test/document verification on the basis of Haryana Conductor Cutoff List. This list will be different for each category candidate.
It will be prepared on the basis of a number of factors. Candidates should check HSSC Conductor Cutoff List as per their category. Then you can go for document checking. Expected date of release of Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks is given in next table.
We are expecting that the result will be declared in the third week of this month. You will be notified about it as soon as it will be declared. It will be published on the official website of the selection board. We will provide you the link to the official website in the below section. You just have to go there to download it.
Haryana Conductor Result Update
You can check Haryana Conductor Final result in below given section. We have given link to download the result pdf file directly. For such information on this topic, you can contact us in the comment box.
The process of the document verification is over now. Soon the rest of the selection procedure will begin. We will let you know about it as soon as an official notification will be released by HSSC.
General Candidates : 72 Questions
SC Candidates: 65 Questions
EBPG Candidates: 68-69 Questions
Latest Update (…………): The result of the Haryana Conductor Result has been declared by the recruitment board. The candidates have been called for the documents verification. The link to download the Result PDF is given in the below section.
Note: एक ये वो भाई जिनका रोल नंबर खो गया है आप लोग दो काम कर सकते हैं। या तो आप HSSC के हेड ऑफिस में जा सकते हैं और वहां पर जाकर रिक्वेस्ट कर सकते हैं। दूसरा आप अपने emials या मैसेज चेक कर सकते हैं अगर वहां पर एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने का लिंक आया हो तो।
Latest Update (………..): The candidates who are waiting for the Haryana Conductor Result will have to wait for more days. No advancement has been made by the selection commission in this regard. We will let you know about it as soon as any update regarding it will be out.
Haryana Conductor Court Case Status
Note: All updates regarding the court cases will be shared here.
Also Read:
Haryana Police Constable Exam Date
Haryana Conductor Result
कैंडिडेट जो लिखित परीक्षा में शामिल होकर अपना प्रयास कर चुके है वो अब रिजल्ट आने का इन्तजार कर रहे है। प्रदेश परिवहन मंत्री की ब्यान के अनुसार हरियाणा कंडक्टर रिजल्ट May महीने में ……. के पास घोषित होने की उम्मीद है। हम आशा करे है ही ये ब्यान उनके आश्वासनों जैसा न निकले। कैंडिडेट्स को एक ही सलाह है की अगली स्टेज की तयारी जारी रखे। आयोग रिजल्ट जारी करने के बाद आपको इसके लिए ज्यादा समय नहीं देगा। आपको अपने हरियाणा कंडक्टर लिखित परीक्षा परिणाम आने के इन्तजार नहीं करना चाहिए। अगली स्टेज से जुडी जानकारी हमने पहले ही आपके साथ साँझा की हुई है।
उसी के अनुसार अपनी तैयारी शुरू करदे क्योकि हमें ये बताने की जरूरत नहीं है की हरियाणा में सिर्फ लिखित परीक्षा पास करना ही काफी नहीं है। इंटरव्यू के नंबर भी आपका भविष्य बना या बिगड़ सकते है। हम आशा कर रहे है की मार्च महीने में पिछली भर्ती प्रक्रिया पूरी हो जयेगी। 3 मार्च को आयोग ने ड्राइवर भर्ती का फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया। अब ज्यादा समय नहीं बचा। अब अपने सभी दस्तावेज संभल कर रखे। मार्च May महीने में ही हरियाणा कंडक्टर रिजल्ट आ जायेगा और इंटरव्यू के लिए कैंडिडेट को कॉल लेटर भी मिल जायेगे।
Latest Update (8th April):हरियाणा स्टाफ सिलेक्शन कमीशन कोर्ट के फैसले के इन्तजार में है। कोर्ट की तरफ से अगली सुनवाई 15 मई है। लेकिन सभी कैंडिडेट जिन्होंने केस किया हुआ है वो इस केस की सुनवाई Urgent Basis पर करवाने की मांग कर रहे है। अगर उनकी मांग मान ली गयी तो अप्रैल महीने में ही इस केस का फैसला आ सकता है।
केस की जल्दी सुनवाई की अपील अभी तक मानी नहीं गयी है। उस हिसाब से हरियाणा कंडक्टर केस की सुनवाई 15 मई को ही होगी। जैसे की कैंडिडेट्स से हमारी बात हुई इस तारीख पर केस का फैसला आने बहुत मुश्किल है। अभी केस की 1-2 सुनवाई और होगी। लेकिन अभी तक इसकी confirm न्यूज़ नहीं आयी है। अगर ऐसी कोई भी अपडेट आती है तो हम आपको सुचना देंगे।
Latest Update (10 November):आयोग की तरफ से अभी तक हरियाणा कंडक्टर रिजल्ट के बारे में कोई सुचना जारी नहीं की गयी है। मई महीने के अंत में Court Case रिजल्ट आने की उम्मीद है। आयोग के अधिकारियो की सुने तो इस भर्ती को अप्रैल December महीने से पहले पूरा करके जोइनिंग करवा दी जाएगी।
Haryana Conductor Official Cutoff Marks:
Haryana Conductor Final Cutoff Marks: | |||
Category | No of Posts | Written Cutoff (200) Official | Final Cutoff (225) |
General | 335 | 142 | 171 (Waiting 170) |
BCA | 120 | 142 | 161 (Waiting 160) |
BCB | 66 | 146 | 162 (Waiting 161) |
SC | 157 | 134 | 154 (Waiting 152) |
EBPG | 84 | 146 | 162 (Waiting 160) |
ESM (Gen) | 41 | 104 & 58 (Self Disable) | 127 (Self Disabled 71) (Waiting 126) |
ESM (SC) | 19 | 54 & 108 (DESM) | 73 (DESM146) Waiting 135 |
ESM (BCA) | 19 | 42 & 144 DESM | 100 (Waiting 92) |
ESM (BCB) | 28 | 90 | 118 (Waiting 116) |
OSP (Gen) | 09 | 136 | 160 (Waiting 158) |
OSP (SC) | 09 | 94 | 122 (Waiting 118) |
OSP (BCA) | 09 | 120 | 142 (Waiting 134) |
OSP (BCB) | 09 | 106 | 138 (Waiting 132) |
Total | 905 Posts |
Haryana Conductor Result Date
Candidates those appeared in written stage are eagerly waiting for result. Commission has delayed result very much. Candidates those appeared in this test, expected it to be declared in last year. But even after end of Jan month, no news is there. Candidates want to know about Haryana Conductor Result Date. As per news commission will upload written result in end of Feb month. You will be able to see roll number of written passed candidates from this list. It will be in pdf format.
You have to follow below given steps to download this list. We have given step by step guide and official website direct link at the end. You just need your admit card or better say exam roll number to check result & Haryana Conductor Written Cutoff. Other details related to this vacancy are updated in this post. Follow us on Facebook for getting regular news on this topic. There is a bad news for all of the aspirants who are waiting for the result. We are getting news that it will not be declared in the month April. The candidates have to wait for atlest two more months. The case is still pending in the court. So there are no chanes that result will be declared before case being dismissed.
Haryana Conductor Court Case 2025 Updates
First of all i want to tell you there is court case going on Haryana Conductor Bharti. Its case number is …………. Final Judgement is still waiting. Candidates those want to know about Hssc conductor Case Next Date , may watch this video. Here we told process to check next hearing date. We will update this video on regular basis. You will get upto date information on Haryana Conductor Court Case Next Date. So enjoy watching our video. Don’t forget to share this with your all friends.
Haryana Conductor Paper Result
हरियाणा कंडक्टर लिखित परीक्षा रिजल्ट आयोग ने तैयार कर दिया है। कोर्ट में अभी भी कुछ केस की सुनवाई चल रही है। जैसे ही कोर्ट में सभी केस का फैसला आ जाता है आयोग अपनी साइट पर लिखित रिजल्ट जारी कर देगा। कैंडिडेट को बस एक ही हिदायत है की अपने ओरिजिनल शैक्षणिक योगिता डॉक्यूमेंट तैयार रखे। हरियाणा कंडक्टर पेपर रिजल्ट आने के बाद आपको डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिफिकेशन के लिए सिर्फ एक हफ्ते का समय दिया जायेगा। इसलिए अगर डॉक्यूमेंट में कही कोई कमी है तो उसे अभी दूर करले। हम पेपर रिजल्ट आने के बाद ऑफिसियल कटऑफ मार्क्स टेबल भी जारी कर देंगे। हरियाणा रोडवेज डिपार्टमेंट में लगभग 1000 खाली पोस्ट्स के लिए लिखित परीक्षा रिजल्ट इसी महीने में जारी होना है। इसलिए अपने रोल नंबर तैयार रखे।
Haryana Conductor Written Result
Lakhs of candidates appeared in written exam conduct by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Commission conducted written exam after many days delay. If you thinking HSSC will provide result in few days, then you are wrong. Because commission does started any process related to HSSC Conductor Written Result. We will provide every official news related to result faster then anyone else. We will also provide a link for the official website of HSSC to download Haryana Conductor Exam Result.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission take 5 or 6 months to provide the result to you. Maybe commission takes 1 year to upload result on its official web portal. The written exam result was declared in last month. The candidates who have qualified will be called for the next stage of the selection procedure. The case is pending in the court. So there are no chances that the result will be declared. It looks like that the result will be declared in the month of May 2025. We will provide you the latest updates regarding it here on this page.
Haryana Conductor Interview Date / Document Verification Date:
The roadways and transport department of Haryana is going to recruit candidates for various posts in this year. Candidates those having more marks than cutoff want to know HSSC Conductor Interview Date. They are ready for the next stage of selection process i.e. document checking. They want to know expected Haryana Conductor Document Verification Date/Interview Date. We would like to inform you that at present no such official news is there.
But you can get rough idea of Haryana Conductor Interview Date from below given table. The candidates who have qualifed the written examination have been called for the document verification. Soon after it, the final merit list will be declared. The hearing for the court case is very near now. So the candidates want to know the court status. As soon as the hearing will be over for this case, we will reveal the case status here on this page. The candidates will get to know about it as soon as the status will be available.
Haryana Conductor Document Checking Date:
HR Roadways Conductor Interview Date:
Also Read:
HSSC Conductor Interview Admit Card
Haryana Conductor Recruitment 2025- Important Dates
Haryana staff selection has recently released the Haryana Conductor Bharti notification in May month. Other important dates related to this vacancy are as follows: –
Advt. No. | |
Advt. Publication Date | |
Online Form started | |
Last Date to Apply | |
Last Date of Fee Payment | |
Written Exam Date | |
Admit Card Download | |
Result Date | |
Document Checking/Skill Test Date | |
Official Cutoff List | After Interview |
Official website | |
HSSC Conductor Vacancy – No. of Posts
Haryana staff selection commission has released the notification for recruiting of …….. Haryana Conductor Vacancies. Here we are giving you category wise number of vacancies.
Category | No. of Vacancies |
General | |
SC | |
BCA | |
BCB | |
EBPG | |
ESM Gen. | |
ESM SC | |
OSP Gen. | |
OSP SC | |
Total | …….. |
Candidate should keep in mind that these posts can be increased or decreased by the commission.
Haryana Roadways Driver Skill Test Date/Document Verification Date
We would like to inform all the written qualified candidates that Haryana Roadways Heavy Vehicle driver skill test will held after ……… You must remain ready with all original documents. These will be checked before skill test. Haryana Driver Skill Test Date start from ……… onwards. Haryana Roadways heavy vehicle driver driving Test will held in various districts centers. If you want to know Haryana Driver Document Checking Date then you have to wait for one week. Commission will upload roll number wise schedule for all candidates in next week.
Haryana Driver Document Verification Date:
HR Roadways Driver Skill Test Date:
Download Haryana Driver Skill Test Schedule
Important Note: HSSC has announced Haryana Driver Skill Test Date. It was cancelled due to various reason. You can Check Haryana Roadways Driver Skill Test Date in above section. Roll no. wise time schedule /venue जारी किया। उसके आपको पता चलेगा की आपका Skill Test कब और किस जिले में होगा।
Haryana Conductor Eligibility 2025
Educational Qualification:
The essential qualification for the Haryana Conductor Vacancy is given below as per the Haryana staff selection commission notification.
- Candidate must pass matriculation and equivalent.
- Candidate must have knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric or higher education.
- Must have conductor license.
Age Criteria:
- Minimum age 17 years to Maximum 42 years
- There is five years’ relaxation in the upper age for the SC, ST and PWD candidates as per the given in Haryana state government rule.
Pay Scale: 5200-20200+1900 grade pay (pre revised).
How to Download HSSC Conductor Interview Admit Card 2025
HSSC commission will give the online link to download Haryana Conductor Cutoff Marks List 2025 very soon. Commission will provide online link only on the official website. We will also give you the direct link to get there. Step by step method to get Haryana Roadways Conductor Cutoff is as follows: –
- Visit the official website of HSSC i.e.
- Then go to latest announcement/public notice section.
- Now search for Advt. No. 04/2025 or Haryana Roadways Conductor Vacancy 2025.
- You will see Haryana Conductor Cut off List PDF download link here.
- Download and open this pdf file.
- Here you can check category wise HSSC Conductor Cut off Marks (General, SBC, SC, BC, ESM, PH).
- Follow further instructions given with it.
अपना रिजल्ट यहां से डाउनलोड करें>>>===
Official Website of HSSC |
Download Haryana Conductor Interview Letter 2025 |
Download Haryana Conductor Cutoff & Merit List (Declared on 02 Dec) |
Also Read:
Haryana Conductor Interview Letter 2025
Haryana Conductor Result
The candidates have to fight for their rights as the Govt. is not in the mood to release the Haryana Conductor Result. The candidates have to contact the officials if they want to get the result. They have to protest else result will not be declared. The candidates are fastening their efforts regarding the declaration of the Haryana Conductor Result. They are gathering at many places to protest against the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. We are also requesting the officials to declare the result.
Haryana Conductor Final Result
The official announcement regarding the Haryana Conductor Final Result will be made once the registered case will be dismissed. The candidates will have to wait for this case to be disposed off. Only then the Final Result will be declared. We will keep you updated with the latest happenings related to the conductor vacancy.
So the candidates can be called for the interview in the first week of June 2025. The candidates will soon receive the interview call letter. You have to download it from the official website. We will guide you in downloading it. So you don’t have to worry about it. Here, we will provide you the direct link which will guide you to the official website directly. Here, you will be able to download it. Soon after it, Haryana Conductor Final Result will be declared.
HSSC Conductor Interview, Merit List declare
Candidates are advised to wait till ………… respectively for Haryana Conductor Interview Letter (हरियाणा कंडक्टर इंटरव्यू लेटर) download for paper date ………….. You should cross-check all the details given on Haryana Conductor Hall Ticket. If you find any error or misprinting in HSSC Conductor Interview Admit card 2025, then you should contact commission for correction as early as possible. We will shortly update the expected release date. You have to wait for some time. Check the official website for Haryana Conductor Interview Date.
For any other query, you have to write in the comment section. In the above section, we have already updated expected schedule of document verification & Interview. As per this schedule, you have to download Haryana Conductor Interview Admit Card. If you need any further help, feel free to ask our team in the comment section. Commission HARYANA Driver Skill Test schedule released on …………. If you are facing any problem in downloading it, ask us. We will try to help you in all possible ways.
As of now, no official date has been provided for the case hearing. So the possibility of result declaration is very less. So candidates have to wait for few more days. We are just hoping that the case will be dismissed in the next hearing so that the result can be declared. We are informing you that the hearing the court case against this vacancy will be held in this month. The verdict of the case will decide the result date. If the case is dismissed, the result will be provided to candidates in the last week of ……….
Sar haryana roadways conductor ka result kab take ayagaa
Sir kab take aayaga result Conductor Ka plz
Sir ad group 9671715567
Add kro mujhe bhi my watsup no 8950995094
Add me conductor group. My wtsp no. 8950935455
Add me conductor group .9896806487 this is my what’s aap num.
Bhaio conductors k case ki sunvai 15 may Ko h bhaio esse pehele results nhi aa Sakta
Add me 8386951214
Conductor ka results kab tak aayega sir
Add me conductor group 9467590269
140 no cat. Sc ho sakta h ya nhi
Koi bca category se ho to Apne Mark’s share krna
Add me group 9812944977
Sir conductor group me mujhe bhi aad kr lena
Ph. 9729942417
Sir result kab tak aay ga conductor ka
9671705606 add in conductor grp if any
Number add karo please sir 8685909442
Sir mere conductor exam me SC cat… Me 134 marks bnte h… Koi chance h kya
sir ans plz ager kisi k paas conductor roll no nahi hai to uska result kaise pata chalega plz an
any soluction
Sir ad kar lo 9671715567
Rslt Ayega bi ya paper cancel hoga conductor ka
Sir koi date aai Kay conductor ke ruselt ki kB tk aane ki umid kr skte h sir btana plz
Sir Conductor rusult kab tak aayega sir kya sir march month me hin aa jayega batana sir please
Sunil kumar 9896760279 plz add me on whatsapp group
Sir conductor ka rasult kab aavga whatsaap no 9992809931 add kar lo group m
Sir conductor ke result aane Ki date Bataana mera WhatsApp number hai 9728551400 h
My no sir add karna plz whastaap group m Mohit kumar 9460079159 aur sir result ki koi suchna mile to bta dena
me hu bhai sc candidate plzz add me my wtsup no,8685085432
Sir conductor result kab a jayega pls replay
bhai phle SA ka aaega..uske baad
Hssc conducter result kab take aaega g 9991763359 wateshop ker
Group meh koyi esm SC candidate hh to batao
Sir conductor result kab tak aayega
Sir conductor ka result kab tak aayega
Haryana Roadways conductor ka result kab aayega cutoff osp gen ki
Conductor result kab tak aayega
3 month se agli stag ki tyari hi kar rahe hai 20 march k bad bola hai result 23 ko rajya sabha k chunav hai result sayad hi aayega sabhi result bhul kar apna apna kam karo bhaiyo sarkar k aswashan juthe hi hai koi fayda nahi hai india hai ye jaha salolag jate hai keas ka fasla hone m umide chodo nahi to bhukhe mar jao ge apna apna koi kam dekh lo
okk sahab march me aajaye to bhi sahi hai
Hr mahine me yhi bola jata hai Uske bad fir agla mahina ajata hai
Hssc conductor ka result kab tak aayega ji
Sir aap kkkyyoo baat bannyyy jjaa rahhee ho kii conducter ka result aaj rahhaa Kal as rahhaa hhh
Fake reports sir
Bai koi bta skta hai result kb ayegaa conductor ka
Sir, Conductor paper result ki koi date fix hai
result conductor ka kab aa raha h.sir,
March Mahine me hi Haryana conductor Result Declare ho jayega
Are sir,ab March, April kar dete sir,same on u sir,koi nahi sir,sarkar hamare sath game khel rahi h,koi nahi kelne do,aage hm kase game palte h.wo dekhna sir,
Srkar hi rando ki h ab ye pkode bikvakr manege sale sb ek jse h ye
Sir..result kab ayega conducter ka
Dosto ghbraoo na….koi kaam dandha dekh lo…..paper leak h ….tumara name ni aata list m …..cuttoff high jayegiii….patwari ,Clerk ki trhh
Sir ji conductor result kab tak aaye ga
Result kab ayga sir condacter ka
haryana conductor ka result kab aayega sir.ab to Feb.bhi gai aur march aa gai.
Results ki koi to information do sir kyo nahi aaya or kab aayey ga
Gatiya sarkar kbi koi kam tym ta ni krdi nah kdi kra nah kdi krn ki bc gatiya
Result kab tak aa sakta ha conductor ka please batane ka kast kre dhanyavad
Conductor kar results kab aayega
Sir conductor ka result kab aayega aur interview kab hoga Hame kuch bhi nahi pata chal raha hai hame Kaise Pata chalega ki ki Hamara interview kab hai
Aaj Feb. Month Ki last date ho gyi aaj Bhi nhi aayega kya result aayega ya nhi y to bta do
clerk or SA valo ka dabdba chl rha h abhi..hone do thnda thoda aa jaega bhai
Aaye ga Bhai march mhine me aane ki PKI umid h or dekho Bhai srkar Kay krti h
Sir kab ayga result condacter ka
Ex servicemen bcb ki cut off kya hogi or ex servicemen kitne present hai approximately
Haryana sarkaar sbse khatam huii sarkaar hai isne aaj tak kisi bhii vecency ko complete nahi kiya
Yo conductor ka result aayega ke nhai Feb be Jaa liye ab to he kya sir koi update
bhai aana to 20 feb tak tha par ye sarkaar aur iske faisle…kal jo meeting hui hai uske baad to nhi lgta abi aane vala h
Sir result on ayega
Plz sir tell me
Kuch Jwab to dedo Sirji
sir,haryana conductor ka result kab aa raha h.sir,please reply aur interwie kab hoga sir iska.
date to nikl gai
Sir kb ayega conferm date btao sir plzz result kbarha h
sir,court ki date agli kis tarik ko h.aur result conductor ka result kya is mahine me hi aayega.
21 farb to nikal gyi
NCC C certificate ke 10 main se 3 no hai interview mai
kyon fudu bna rhe ho date dal ke aata to ha nhi
21 ko bhi nahi aya kab tak a sakta h condectar ka sir
conducter result kb tk aa rha sir conferm date batayie 21 feb date di thi but ab wo vi nikal gyi
Sir g kab aayey ga results conductor ka
aap ki ye date bhi nikl gyi kB aaye GA conductor ka ruselt
conducter ka result kb aaega plz tell me
aapki sab news fakee hai mat diyaa karoo koi date hssc ko apne hissab se karne do kaam result unki marji se hii ayegaa
Sir, Conductor paper ka result kab ayega
20 feb.bhi chali gayi sir lekin result ni aaya
Sirji aj result ajayega y firse agli date padjayegi
Aaj bhi na aaya result
Sir aaj 21/22018 date ho gye h abhe tk conductor result Nhi aaya h
kb tk ayga sIR Result
kya bat hui sir ji aaj to 21 be ho gye plz sir ji kuch to bhata do result kab ana ha
Sir conductor ka result kab aaye ga ya nhi
sir conducter ka result kb aayega ji
result aaj qara h kya
Sir hssc conductor result kab tak ayega please reply
Aaj condacter ka result ayga kya
Ncc c cartificat ka kitna present h Sir ji
Sar haryana roadways conductor ka result kab ta ayagaa
Sir anm female ka interview kab hoga please bata do ?…..
On which date the interview was taking and on which date have a joing
Sir conductor me outstanding sports person (osp)category ki cut off kitni ja sakti h.
Driver ka aa gya hai…conductor ka bhi ready hai….Es mahine me hi declare ho jayga
kb tk aaega sir plz declare kr de ,, bht wait kr li h hum sbne
sir bharti pe to cort case ha kise aega
Sar haryana roadways results kab aayega
Conductor me abhi 1-2 hafte or lagege…
Driver ka Interview 25 Feb se hai
Conductor results kab aayega
March month se phle
Sir ji condector result kab tak ayega
Haryana Conductor Result Date is not fixed but expected one is 27th Feb
sir canducter result kab tak aayga
Sir main sc we hu mere no. 138 h koi ummid h kyan
Sir please batao kab aayega result
sabhi students ne modi g par umid lga rakhi thi ye kuch acha kaenge modi g n kaha tha ki har midal class students ko job milegi leki unka wayeda bhi jutha nikla
juthi sarkar ab koi umid hi nahi karni chaiye iss sarkar se nahi result ki umid karo ya fir sarkar jwab de ki kin karno se result rok kar rakha hai ya fir result aayega hi nahi agar aayega to ek hi date fix kar le abhi tak juth par juth bol rahi hai sarkar
chutiya bna rakha hai sarkar n bhi kabhi 20 jan.ko kehte hai kabhi feb. k end tak feb. end k bad kahenge ki march k end tak result dec. kar do joining 5 mahin thehar kar kar lena midel class students k sath sarkar acha nahi kar rahi
Ham bhut umed kar rhe h ki hamari mhanhat bhakar nai jaye ge